Beloved of All
really strugglign with type one diabetes pelysse pra yi jsut want to be healthy and well. please thank you hank youalso my grandma has similar b.ood sugar problem been bedridden for years. pelas epray of rhe rhealign and my moms hart an dbrian too and my grandma sbrain and my dad also need prayer for his heart safety when travellign and also his teeht gums heart salvaiton. my fmaily need God slavaiton in CHirst and deiveranc eform all evil. lord pleas ehlp me with htis blood suagr probelm pelas ei dotn want diabete sr any other metabolic acidsisi i prais eand htnaky ou for all ehalign pelas eofrgiv emy sisn. pelas ealso protec tmy dad form covid and also my brother and his wife hela all fmailes haerts minds giv eus all healign Lor dpelas eby your grace forgive oru sisn. help us to do your will and protec tmy whole fmaily form accident death calamities. pelas edleiver B from all evil pelas ehal him giv ehim merr yheart and deliverance form smoking alchohaul all ungodly habis and toxic people and htigns. same wiht me and all peopel. Lor dif oyu have husbadn for me pleas emake him find me. my ver yown husband boen of bone flehs of flehs please soemoen i truyl and so incrediply deeply in love wiht an dhimw ith me and we both in CHirst join ed by God someoen i coudl truly be myself with ndbe happy wit mirauclously mirculouls husband i aks my Lord Jues Chirst also protect my brother nad wif emarriage pleas ehal al tha tnededs healign and help them rais ethei rbaby. protect my neice also formall ahrm and protecitonf orm the enemy. Lor dhelp me clena house drink water comb hair no more feet deformed feet healed int he nameof the Lord Jue schirs tand same with my grandma:Lor di need oyu help pleas egiv ebes tof the best of the bes tof thes best care for my grandma dn all my family memeber yfor Vililike .pelas help VIlike tell HIm we love him we hav enot forgotten himLor dhelp hoim in every way strenghten uplift hela him neurlogically. pelas ehal my mothe rneurlogically hear her heart brain and emotiony heal all developmental delays aspergers autism diabetes type 1 and two and l dehydraiton problems in my fmaiyl .pelase pelase giv eus livign water. Please giv em the lvoe na dattention i need form oyu Lord so tha ti dont run to another source. Keep my fmialy alway sin your perfect WIll and dleive rus form all eivl. thanky ou for all you provide htnaky uf orthis day. Help us rejoice and be glad in it. Happy is he whose God is the Lor.d YOu ar emy Lord an di am happy becuas eof htis!!!! thank yu Lord.