Prayer Warrior
Please pray for my personal and professional life. I have an amazing job working as a teacher's aide for ### children. I love it and I wouldn’t change it but it can be hard and overwhelming sometimes. The ### teacher I help, doesn’t like me and loves to disrespect me when given the opportunity. The other teacher's aides walk around on eggshells, and just use me instead of using their own aides. The meeting we had went as I expected, I was the problem. There is only one of the teacher's aides that still has a problem and she was the only one in the first place, she was dragging everyone around to her side of things. Things have started to change but it’s walking into a room full of eggshells. I know it’s only the work of the devil placing fear where it don’t belong. I pray for strength and wisdom and that my job is secure and that things come to light and change. On the other hand, I have a very real problem, I have a man that I do love with all my heart. We are not married and have both unitedly decided to remain pure. Or at least I have remained that way. I have chosen to dedicate my life devoted and putting Christ at the Center of my life and he has fallen hugely backwards. He chooses social media of all types, lately ### and ### have been his choice of posting messages to other women. He watches the naked videos that these women post or message back to him, inappropriate porn-like videos. Some of those women got his number and text/call his phone. These women message him daily same number and it happens through the day. He also has other women’s number period that he gets wherever he goes that he calls/texts. He keeps certain women’s numbers and messages them daily. Recently had a woman come to the house and he whispered through the door he couldn’t let her in. She was hiding herself and hide from the outdoor cameras. He said that it was someone and their daughter checking up on him because he was sick but it was one person and this person he said it was which it wasn’t has never done that before and is married. The person at the door wasn’t her and I don’t know her. He listens and follows other men that cheat on their girlfriends or wives. These men are a bad influence on him but he won’t listen. He messages other women behind my back and secretly keeps up the affairs with these women. He even calls them or now I see them calling him. He lets people and family influence him. His whole demeanor and attitude has changed to where he is deceitful, secretive and lies even more. He's always on his phone watching some videos or messaging someone. I pray and I do everything I can to be a great partner to him but I feel I’m not enough or he doesn’t want me. Help me seek God's guidance and will for my life!