im sos orry dear siste irn Christ.i can timagine the traume. pleas eknwo tha tntohign can separate oyu formt he love of God. He is a healr . He can heal oyu formt his trauma. YOu are inncoent and God is avenger. May Gdo keep oyu safe and healthy and heal oyu from the trauma. may He totally hela you form this trauma. He can. Im sorryo yu went through that. i am praiyng for oyur healign dear sister n Christ. God can heal all trauma. pleas epray fo rme ( whiel not int he same sense. i am delaign with different tauma. may the Lor dheal all who have had trauma. praiyng for oyu to be healed. remember....... NO WEpon formed agaisnt You prosper!!! nor has propsered.
Romans 8 says that “in all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” (vs. 37).
the Lord Jeus Chris tloves oyu. IN HIm you have the Victory in HIm You have the Victory. ive been goignt hrough trauma id never go throguh and whiel im so heartbroken i keep saying Lord Jesus Christ pleas ehelp!! Our help come fromthe Lord. HE is the healer of all trauma of all trauma!! HE restores your soul. he heals the broken hearted and bind s uo their wounds.
Romans 8 says that “in all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” (vs. 37).
You will conquor int his hting through HIM. YOU will conquor through who?.. through HIM!!! i lov eoyu dear sis te rin Christ and yes YOU WILL CONQUOR THROUGH CHRiST YES MORE THAN CONQUOR inthis thing!! Because He loved YOU! He always will. His love will make you conqour int his thing through HIM!
IMN ALL THINGS YOU ARE MORe than a conquorer ( this is who you are), through Christ, ye are emore than a conquorer through Christ who loved you. in this trauma, in all of it, you are mor than a conquoerer through HIm. Chris tis the answer. YOu will conquor through this thing al of it and lal things , infact more than conquor! through th e Lord Jesus Christ. praise to our lOrd and Savior Great physician. the way, truth an dlife.
We thank HIm in advance that We are more than conquorers in all things through HIm that loved us.
Through Christ YOu a re more than a conquoerer in all thigns. beliv ehtis !!