Humble Prayer Partner
Let it rain Boaz 🌧
for my air quality to breathe
loosen verse Deut 2813 TAILED Weapons shut up don't make
noise in my AIR no peace for thieves loose verse Isa 5417 Weapons byeeee corndogs shake VIOLENTLY SCREAM no peace no peace no peace no peace just anxiety just anxiety just anxiety no one is speaking through me everything and everyone greatly on me that's helping me blessed now they leave the corndogs no Bueno Loosen verse HAG I 6 Holes in corndogs bags loose your controls no control over the tongue or toes all the way I get a person who loves me Myles Hass soul everyone's souls are well everyone greatly can breathe near me greatly love me greatly text me greatly be faithful to me happy near me greatly communicate greatly with me easily loosen verse HAG 1:6 No more holes in my bags my FAM corndogs all the spiritual to the physical into existence in Jesus name Amen