I live to bless your holy name o Lord.
I live to bless others who love you with all their heart, mind and soul.
I breath to glorify Your holy name.
You have been so good to those who come to You and believe every single word You said.
You are my Lord, my Savior, my Righteousness.
Friends are friends for ever.
Keep in touch, tell my all your troubles and your pain.
I will take them all away from you.
My identity o Lord is in You alone.
To live for the glory of God the Father is the deepest desire of my heart.
My consolation is in You alone.
My joy, my delight, my peace.
The hope that I have is seeing You face to face.
When our time on earth is up.
We shall fly away from here to there.
Where millions of angel in heaven sing beautiful songs of praise.
Glorious things of Thee are spoken.
Jesus, precious Savior and Lord.
I see the streams of living waters,
Springing from eternal love.
Coming right out of the heart of the Lord of hosts.
Grace full of mercy and compassion.
I shall never let You go.
I love You Jesus with all of my heart. For the Lord shall come back to earth with a shout of the trumphets to take us all home to His glorious presence and be with the Lord forever and ever.
I live to bless others who love you with all their heart, mind and soul.
I breath to glorify Your holy name.
You have been so good to those who come to You and believe every single word You said.
You are my Lord, my Savior, my Righteousness.
Friends are friends for ever.
Keep in touch, tell my all your troubles and your pain.
I will take them all away from you.
My identity o Lord is in You alone.
To live for the glory of God the Father is the deepest desire of my heart.
My consolation is in You alone.
My joy, my delight, my peace.
The hope that I have is seeing You face to face.
When our time on earth is up.
We shall fly away from here to there.
Where millions of angel in heaven sing beautiful songs of praise.
Glorious things of Thee are spoken.
Jesus, precious Savior and Lord.
I see the streams of living waters,
Springing from eternal love.
Coming right out of the heart of the Lord of hosts.
Grace full of mercy and compassion.
I shall never let You go.
I love You Jesus with all of my heart. For the Lord shall come back to earth with a shout of the trumphets to take us all home to His glorious presence and be with the Lord forever and ever.