Beloved of All
Dear God I pray for purpose, and to be of service. I pray for clarity, discipline, persistence, and consistency. I pray my burning desire is revealed to me. I pray it cones to me tonight, and I know it by morning. I pray it reveals my purpose. I pray for great prosperity, and the ability to provide for others. I pray for peace, safety, longevity, and a healthy body, mind, and soul. I pray for a quality life. I pray for a thriving life. I pray my desires manifest into my actions, as my thoughts become things. I pray as I speak my prayer out loud, and those praying for me, that my desire is revealed. I pray my purpose is clear, concise, and the desire for it becomes an obsession that grows my relationship with you lord. That daily I pray for direction to carry out your purpose, will, and the desire brings an abundance of wealth. I pray I can provide for my parents, for my romantic partner, my own family when that develops, my friends, my community, and my wealth provides solutions to promote peace, love, and health. I pray my body is fully recover. I pray I’m building the proper strength and lean muscle to lift other people up, and climb ropes. I pray for mental strength and leadership. I pray for connection, celebration, and enjoyable memories. I pray to serve your purpose and not lean on my own understanding. I pray the desire in accordance to prosperity that provides for others is revealed. That I can truly help others and accept your many blessing for my life. I pray in gratitude, for your will is already done. And I know I am blessed. Amen.