Beloved of All
Forgive all the sins of my husband from the Lord and the sins of myself. forgive the isns of our ansectory and our parents and repective fmailies. i pleadad oyu hOly blod upon all relative family both close and distan their spouses and children and same wiht my husband formt he Lord my true husabdn form the Lord his family and relatives too please i plead oyu Holy blood which was shed for the forgiveness of sins. Bless us with Your salvation and favor give us grace . I thankyou for my marriage oyu have ordained Lord you have joined together in advance int henameof the Lord Jesus Christ. I thankyou for the blessings You have put on it. I ask that it last now and forever. in the anemof the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for my husabdn you have created and created em for and created him to be my husband, and I thank you how I am blessed with him in thenamoe fo the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray to be more patient and trusting adn have mor love and wisdom of him and vice versa. I pray thatthe huband oyu have given me my won true husmband is never unfaithful to me not even close and that he and I are divinely protected from this sin. I pray for all of our days you giv eus to increase our love for another and continue to bless us and make us happier and happier together. I also pray for complete and divine protection from every threat every possibel temptation form anothe rowman in our marriage you have ordained. pelase devine protection of this sin for both of us Lord. that oyu join us so strgly togeth Lord and we both knwo 100% it is you and that nothing no unclean spirit could ever trear us apart nor perosn nor demon. that oyu bind us so strognly equally yoked in Chirst in every aspect of our lives that it is impossible for us o even think of cheaitng on one another. i ask that no perosn man or woman or anyhtign any sins ever even attempt to to ruin our marriage YOu have ordianed Lord and complete and divine protection from any woman that attempts to steal or woo the husband oyu have given me. I pray i wil eb the most attractive smarted most desireabel femal he has everseen heard lain eyes on touched etc. that nothign ever no othe rowman would even be attractiv ein his sight at all. in fact he is repulsed by them in a healthy way. i pray the htoguht of adulterywould make us both sick and that he would not be under any dmeonic influence nto drink or smoke or drugs that would giv ehim and unsound mind and and is he does these things Lor doyu immedieatley dleive rhim form all drugs alchhaul smokign all unclean ungodly habits adn also dleiver em form all ungodly habits Lord. please easily prepar eus ofr holy matrimonyny may we have devine comminucaiton devine eye contact devien hearing may the holy spirit guidse us ocncenrign woene anothe ritno all turht. bind each of and and together as once fesh so strognly in CHirst that it i is impossibel to break that bond . may we also never keep eahc other apart. may he be the most romantic caring kidn lovign man who treats me truly like HIS queen He woudl die for me and lov esme forver all by oyu rpower for oyur glor ylOrd Jeus Chirst. ipray you reveal ot me who my husband is and reveal ot him tha ti am hand picked by God to be His wife. prpar eus fo reachother and the works oyu want us to do. gguide us into all truth. please no ocunterfeit husbadn for me or strang ehusband God ordian the marriage to the HUsband you want em to be wiht and pelase make it truly happy for us both true blesisng for us both better than i can ask or imagine. may he be an amazign protector of me and provider may he be emotionally mature hela him in every way and sme iwht me. protect our union form the devil protect our famiyl form the deivl protect our future offspring is you choose t bless ous wiht offsprign form the deivl. Lord if oyu are willign pelase jon u sin your pwerfect itmign and guide u sin our realitonship wiht youa nd one another. dleive rus form all evil. protec tour heart sform idolatry and adultery. Help us seek you and find you with yall our hearts and force us to do oyur will at al times. By OYur hIoly spirit int henameof the Lord Jeu sChirst pleas eprotect my husband oyu have given me protect fis mind body posession habits eyes nose otuch form all evil protect his devices protect hime very item he goes int he internet form all evil and same wiht me. lead us not into tmeptaiton adn dlieve urs ofrm all eivl. hpelas eporvide my husband iwht the job you want that rbigns oyu great glory same iwht me please giv ehim wisodm how to handle the moeny oyu giv ehima dn and never squander any mones. giv eus great love for one another never fear each other. perfectlove cast out all fear. elt no mmiscmmunicaiotn ever occur betweent u sor false accusation opr disocntentment wiht each other or any evl. please protect our midn sherty bodies posesison adn our rleatioship form all wevil. please brign helaign to us where we need it. pelas ehlp us otdo you r WIl I pray that woman have absoletley no favor in my husabdns heart at all that his eyes are open if he is fliritng he should knwo it is not right to flirt wiht a woman other than me. and no favor in his eyes at all. i pray this same thign for me tha ti fidn no tothe rman attractiv eandi canalways easily discern my huabdn as my husband form GHid may i reverenc ehim but not be scared of him but loved always loved cherishe drespected and i actually want o be wiht him and he wants to be wiht em and we cannto live wiht out each other a true devine heavnly conenction ordained by the Lord HImself for Hi glory and power and purpose may my huband always knwo i am his wife an dmay i always know He is my husbnd. just liek i know that my mothe ris my mothe rthat clear and vace versa. may we truly enjoy one anothe rlaugh a lot be happy peace diveine conenciton emotionalyl eye contact deivne romance devien love form God blessign gift form your hands thanky ou Father for my husband tel HIm i am thignkign of im and would liove ot spend the rest of my life wiht HIm. Pelase GBdo tell me who my huabdnis thnaky ou Lor dint he nameof the Lord Jeu sChirst iplead the Holy blood of Chris tont his pray. also dleive rour sunion form all potntional harma nd deanger form the enemy. ma your lives be free form the enemy in or helht my ind heart finances fmailyour repective fmailies god friendldshiyp only who support our union and eneevne minste rot us send trilinso f holy angels to minster to me and my husbadn at all tiems. thank you Lord. also heal our respective fmailies save us by our grace Lord Jeus Chirst. brign your salvaiotn and deliveranc einto every area of our lives. please protect my husband form all evil and may he have great wisodm today grat stregnth and may he serve the Lord Jeus Chirst onyl. and smae iwht me. thnak yu Lord pela speorivde ofr oall our needs all glor ypower and honour goes ot you Lthanky u FOr myhUsband i love Him. pelas e ABsoletley no no coutnerfeit husband no ungdoly husband no non chrisitna husband thank you Lord.
.prais ereport: i r recived helaign on my teeth adn jaws yesterday nd helaign touched form the Lor.d iprais eGod He is our healign m. my grandm asaid more word sprais eGOd. I pray all ar ebelss on this site and htnak you for oyu rprayers. pelas pray fo rmy fmialy salvaitona nd helaign in Christ by HIs stripes we are healed. Lor dincreas eour faith in You. make us trly ur disceiples. most faithful . ipray htis for lal people. Lor dheal am fmaiyl form all neurlogical pyscholigcal emotional post truamtic streesdd isorders heal oru communicaiton wiht oen anothe rmay our lvies be filled wiht oyu rdleiveranc eand yoru helaign and oyur love an dpower lor di ask this for my fmaiyl all relaitves all poepl. may all belvi ein the nLord. help us do oyur Will.pelas ehelp us walk in your ocmmandment sand may we knwo oyu Lord turly lOrd Jeus Chirst i pray htis for my parnets brother grandma. pelas hela my grandma ofrm dmeneita beisn arteries small bowel obstruciotn syndorme boens strenght eehr may sh ebe abel to blink move as you woudl want. pleas eldiee orur hom form pests. pleas ehlp me so to post office help provide mobile bed for my grandma mirauclouls.y pela shelp neight bour od the roof eaisly giv ehimall the subblies usper easily devinely mirauclouly the right rioof tires everyhitng wood ebst qualit ylast a liftiem sma yhe enjoy his work always dliever b form sommign alchhaul giv ehim your salvaiton adn helaign of teeth pelas ehla my brohter heeht miraucluls and pelas ehal my of type 1 diabetes depresison sdaness lonliness and same with all my fmialy memebr.s pleas egiv elal peopel merry hearts and helaign. pelas ehal all who were in accidents mayke physcians nurse caregivers streghtne bless and help them todo OYur will. pelase elt their be no medicla ccidents or accidents. giv ela peopel sound mind. pelase dliever la lpeopel form unclean spirit sinand make their thoughts the thugths yu want Lord. may all say what yu want us otsay hear what oyu want us to hear and do wha toyu wan tus to do. please protect all poepel form all pysciactric dosorders. pleas edleive rme form anger bittenrss ofer owrk. pelas ehal my mom form alexithymia pelase dleive rmy brother form aspergers syndorm is he has it. if my husband for the Lord has and hisoder be hela him Lord an dhelp m to beocme the manyou want hIm to be. no i pray htis fo rlal popel . Please release me form everyhtign tha tis prevenitng em form doing your Will Lor di pray hti sof rlalpopel. in thenamoe fthe lOr djUe schirst htnak oyu. pleas peortect my dad form accidnet clamiites alway sprotect all fmialies whaiel ourt and about in cvehcile protect lal vechicels al children all poepel form accindets. pelas ehla and help the elderly. pelas egiv ethe approprite nutrtion to all peopel and shelt er an dclothign. pelas eno abus eor harm to anymore. pelase dliever us form all captivits all satnic captivity in thenameof the lord Jeus Chirs ti pra.y pelase giv ehtioe in postitons of power ofrce them ot do your Will. give us all wisodm and the power ot act ont hat wisodm. YOur Kingdom Coem Lor dprepar eoruus for oyu rocmign. pelas eldieve rus ofrm corona virus and the cuase therof be healed please dleive rus form natrual disater. pleas eprotec tlla poepels protperties. pleas eodnt all the devil to steal kill or destory anoens lives. pelase giv eus livfa nd life in abundanc. epelase dlieve rme and my fmialy and all peopel form phobias fearsa dn all mentla disorder phycical disocder diabetes cancer tumos unhapiness int henamoe fthe Lord Jeu sChris.t Lor dbewi ht me stornger thna ever. may i nd lal peopel be able to discern your vice. please strenghrnmsy grandma and al lpeoel. iplead and eat the fruit of my lips wiht this prayrer and al adjus tit accoridng to oyur IWll . in thenamfot eh Lord Jesus Christ. I thankyou for my marriage oyu have ordained Lord you have joined together in advance int henameof the Lord Jesus Christ. Pleas ebels sour union and protect our union from all infedelity and sorrow abuseall evil all miscommunicaiton. that our marriage is the greatesjoyplease belssing in our lives after Chirst HImself. I ask thatyou establish it forever. in the name the Lord Jesus Christ. By His Holy blood I thank you for my husabdn you have created and created em for and created him to be my husband, and I thank you how I am blessed with him in thenamoe fo the Lord Jesus Christ. may we both eb always longign kind atrrated evines in every way to one another patient and trusting adn have mor love and wisdom of eahc other . I pray thatthe huband oyu have given me my own true husband. Who puts me first after oyu Lor dnot friends not family not enightbors but marriage is honour abel above all and that is never unfaithful to me not even close and that he and I are divinely protected from this sin. in thenameof the Lord Jeus Christ. I pray for all of our days you giv eus to better. tha tnothgint keeps us apart that we have lot sof itme togther tha touy knit us truly as One adn we are VEry happy togther and see YOu Chirs tin our relaitonship always every word rbeath action deed and intention that we always see each others hearts keep our hearts pure and may we always od oen anothe rogdd all the day sof our lives that we pray togther read oyur Word otgethre owrship togeht and have very easy understanign and communciaiton of some and other that we have lotr sof fun toghte roto. no evil in our relationshuip no compettetiveness for needign to prove oru selves ot each other. true acceptance an dlove oen another the way YOu amde us Lord. int ehanemof thre Lord Jeus Christ. Like adam and eve before the fall. . I also pray for complete and divine protection from every threat every possibel temptation form another woman in our marriage you have ordained. pelase devine protection of this sin for both of us Lord. that oyu join us so strongly togeth Lord and yo Ar eiN our union encouragfe our union join us otgthe rLor dofr oyur glro yna dby your power thank you Father. and we both knwo 100% it is You Lord your WIll for us ot be togther LOud and clear al the time force us to be together and stay togtehr and may we really fall in lvoe iwht each other Heavely devien Love for oen anothe irn every way towards eachother that all maysee the glro yof God. MAy He fidn me soon please God. prepar eus to eb togther and provid eour dwellign place and dleive urs ofrm all evil doers whoa re keeping us apart fi tha tis the case int ehnameof the Lord Jesus Christ. and that nothing no unclean spirit could ever trear us apart nor perosn nor demon. that He always see sme as Chirs tbride an di always see HIm as my HUsband form God out of HIs rib. may he see me as HIs rib always always! in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ. that oyu bind us so strognly equally yoked in Chirst in every aspect of our lives that it is impossible for us o even think of cheaitng on one another. i ask that no perosn man or woman or anyhtign any sins ever even attempt to to ruin our marriage YOu have ordianed Lord and complete and divine protection from any woman that attempts to steal or lure the husband oyu have given me. MAy His eyes and heart be guarded and eyes always knwo traps of the devil. may he find no othe rwoman remotely attractive. he onyl fidn me attractiv ena divce versa. may he fidn me more and more attractiv ean irresistbale and vice versa dily. may no witchcraft or evil power rule over my husband me or our union our respectiv ejoby our union our fmaily or future offspirp if oyu bless us wiht tha tor or no outside fmaily firendships ruel ove rus only the hOly spirit at all thime isn thenamoe fthe Lor dJue sChirst. may he forsake all to be wiht me in a heartbeat in tnameof the Lord Jeus Christ and vice versa , except for the Lord. It is HIm onyl that we serve the Lors Jeus Christ only fiaht ful to HIm in every way. teach cus oyur ways. pelas in henameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. I pray i wil eb the most attractive smarted most desireabel wistest take shis breath away femal he has everseen heard lain eyes on touched etc. his wife!!! truly HIs wife!!! that nothign ever no othe rowman would even be attractiv ein his sight at all. in fact he is repulsed by them in a healthy way. i pray the htoguht of adulterywould make us both sick and that he would not be under any dmeonic influence nto drink or smoke or drugs that would giv ehim and unsound mind and and is he does these things Lor doyu immedieatley dleive rhim form all drugs alchhaul smokign all unclean ungodly habits adn also dleiver me form all ungodly habits Lord. please easily prepar eus ofr holy matrimonyny may we have devine comminucaiton devine eye contact devien hearing speech guided by the Spirit of the Lord Jeus Chirtat al ltimes.may the holy spirit guidse us itn o al truth concenrign one another cocnenrign the Lord ocncenrign woene anothe ritno all turht. bind each of us and join us together as once fesh so strognly in CHrist that it i is impossibel to break that bond . may we also never keep eahc other apart. may he be the most romantic caring kidn lovign man who treats me truly like HIS queen He woudl die for me and lov esme forver all by oyu rpower for oyur glor ylOrd Jesus Christ. ipray you reveal ot me who my husband is and reveal ot him tha ti am hand picked by God to be His wife. prpar eus fo reachother and the works oyu want us to do. gguide us into all truth. please no ocunterfeit husbadn for me or strang ehusband God ordian the marriage to the HUsband you want em to be wiht and pelase make it truly happy for us both true blesisng for us both better than i can ask or imagine. may he be an amazign protector of me and provider may he be emotionally mature hela him in every way and sme iwht me. protect our union form the devil protect our famiyl form the deivl protect our future offspring is you choose to bless ous wiht offsprign from the devil . Lord if oyu are willign pelase join us to be oNe flesh in your pwerfect itmign and guide u s in our realitonship wiht You a nd one another. Keep us in YOur Will at all times. help us to trus tin you Lord your timing. in thenameof the lOr dJeus Chirst. protect la lamrriage form strange marirgae sand form all eivl. recocniel the marriage oyu have ordain that oyu Iwlign to reconciel incuiling my parents marriage if you are willign. All by the powe rof YOur Holy spirit lord. thanky ou Lord. dleive rus form all evil. protec tour heart sform idolatry and adultery. Help us seek you YOur KIngdom first and your rigtheoruness alway and find you with yall our hearts and force us to do Your Will at al times. protec tour union form overwork and form curses witschcraft all forms of occult and false Gods. also pelase let us have LOTs of fun xand lots of hapoiness othgther and lots of energy for each other and breattakign devine intimacy love i pelad your HOly blodo on our bodies energy strgnth restore thour your like the eagels pelase lor.d giv eus a happy long livfe by your grace by your power dand destory everyhtign tha toyuld possbly prevent us form beign together all unclena spirits all evil doers pelase do all in yor power ot join me and my huband toghter odnt let the deivl ge t int he way of thisLor dpelas emak eit happy ne by oyur power easly. pelase soo n i aks this in thenameo fthe Lord Jeu sChris. please send trillionso fholy angel sfor us to be otghter soona dprovid eour won safe peacful pelasant aheavenly hoems thnak you Lor dna dsame wiht our fmialy memry please help them in every way heal them deliver them form all evil protect my amnd my husband form accidents deaht calaminties and our respectiv efmaileis and future offsprit if you so wish ot bles sus wiht. pelase may our mnarriage proper be fruitful multipy and amy we raise God yl offspirtp. please protec tus form al evil doers form any and bitte rpoepel. pelase protec tus ofrm all eivl peopel fals efriends nd strnge wmen adn woemna dn form all ucnlena spirits. dleive rus form all evil pelase Lor dint ehanmeof the Lord Jeus Chirs.t fully pernatley heal us in everyway in thenameof the Lord Jeu sChirst same wit all peole. sav eu slal pelas eLOrd thanky . By OYur hIoly spirit int henameof the Lord Jeu sChirst pleas eprotect my husband oyu have given me protect fis mind body posession habits eyes nose otuch form all evil protect his devices protect hime very item he goes int he internet form all evil and same wiht me. lead us not into tmeptaiton adn dlieve urs ofrm all eivl. hpelas eporvide my husband iwht the job you want that rbigns oyu great glory same iwht me please giv ehim wisodm how to handle the moeny oyu giv ehima dn and never squander any mones. giv eus great love for one another never fear each other. perfectlove cast out all fear. elt no mmiscmmunicaiotn ever occur betweent u sor false accusation opr disocntentment wiht each other or any evl. please protect our midn sherty bodies posesison adn our rleatioship form all wevil. please brign helaign to us where we need it. pelas ehlp us otdo you r WIl I pray that woman have absoletley no favor in my husabdns heart at all that his eyes are open if he is fliritng he should knwo it is not right to flirt wiht a woman other than me. and no favor in his eyes at all. i pray this same thign for me tha ti fidn no tothe rman attractiv eandi canalways easily discern my huabdn as my husband form GHid may i reverenc ehim but not be scared of him but loved always loved cherishe drespected and i actually want o be wiht him and he wants to be wiht em and we cannto live wiht out each other a true devine heavnly conenction ordained by the Lord HImself for Hi glory and power and purpose may my huband always knwo i am his wife an dmay i always know He is my husbnd. just liek i know that my mothe ris my mothe rthat clear and vace versa. may we truly enjoy one anothe rlaugh a lot be happy peace diveine conenciton emotionalyl eye contact deivne romance devien love form God blessign gift form your hands thanky ou Father for my husband tel HIm i am thignkign of im and would liove ot spend the rest of my life wiht HIm. Pelase GBdo tell me who my huabdnis thnaky ou Lor dint he nameof the Lord Jeu sChirst iplead the Holy blood of Chris tont his pray. also dleive rour sunion form all potntional harma nd deanger form the enemy. ma your lives be free form the enemy in or helht my ind heart finances fmailyour repective fmailies god friendldshiyp only who support our union and eneevne minste rot us send trilinso f holy angels to minster to me and my husbadn at all tiems. thank you Lord. also heal our respective fmailies save us by our grace Lord Jeus Chirst. brign your salvaiotn and deliveranc einto every area of our lives. please protect my husband form all evil and may he have great wisodm today grat stregnth and may he serve the Lord Jeus Chirst onyl. and smae iwht me. thnak yu Lord pela speorivde ofr oall our needs all glor ypower and honour goes ot you Lthanky u FOr myhUsband i love Him. pelas e ABsoletley no no coutnerfeit husband no ungdoly husband no non chrisitna husband thank you Lord.
Forgive all the sins of my husband from the Lord and the sins of myself. forgive the isns of our ansectory and our parents and repective fmailies. i pleadad oyu hOly blod upon all relative family both close and distan their spouses and children and same wiht my husband formt he Lord my true husabdn form the Lord his family and relatives too please i plead oyu Holy blood which was shed for the forgiveness of sins. Bless us with Your salvation and favor give us grace . I thankyou for my marriage oyu have ordained Lord you have joined together in advance int henameof the Lord Jesus Christ. I thankyou for the blessings You have put on it. I ask that it last now and forever. in the anemof the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for my husabdn you have created and created em for and created him to be my husband, and I thank you how I am blessed with him in thenamoe fo the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray to be more patient and trusting adn have mor love and wisdom of him and vice versa. I pray thatthe huband oyu have given me my won true husmband is never unfaithful to me not even close and that he and I are divinely protected from this sin. I pray for all of our days you giv eus to increase our love for another and continue to bless us and make us happier and happier together. I also pray for complete and divine protection from every threat every possibel temptation form anothe rowman in our marriage you have ordained. pelase devine protection of this sin for both of us Lord. that oyu join us so strgly togeth Lord and we both knwo 100% it is you and that nothing no unclean spirit could ever trear us apart nor perosn nor demon. that oyu bind us so strognly equally yoked in Chirst in every aspect of our lives that it is impossible for us o even think of cheaitng on one another. i ask that no perosn man or woman or anyhtign any sins ever even attempt to to ruin our marriage YOu have ordianed Lord and complete and divine protection from any woman that attempts to steal or woo the husband oyu have given me. I pray i wil eb the most attractive smarted most desireabel femal he has everseen heard lain eyes on touched etc. that nothign ever no othe rowman would even be attractiv ein his sight at all. in fact he is repulsed by them in a healthy way. i pray the htoguht of adulterywould make us both sick and that he would not be under any dmeonic influence nto drink or smoke or drugs that would giv ehim and unsound mind and and is he does these things Lor doyu immedieatley dleive rhim form all drugs alchhaul smokign all unclean ungodly habits adn also dleiver em form all ungodly habits Lord. please easily prepar eus ofr holy matrimonyny may we have devine comminucaiton devine eye contact devien hearing may the holy spirit guidse us ocncenrign woene anothe ritno all turht. bind each of and and together as once fesh so strognly in CHirst that it i is impossibel to break that bond . may we also never keep eahc other apart. may he be the most romantic caring kidn lovign man who treats me truly like HIS queen He woudl die for me and lov esme forver all by oyu rpower for oyur glor ylOrd Jeus Chirst. ipray you reveal ot me who my husband is and reveal ot him tha ti am hand picked by God to be His wife. prpar eus fo reachother and the works oyu want us to do. gguide us into all truth. please no ocunterfeit husbadn for me or strang ehusband God ordian the marriage to the HUsband you want em to be wiht and pelase make it truly happy for us both true blesisng for us both better than i can ask or imagine. may he be an amazign protector of me and provider may he be emotionally mature hela him in every way and sme iwht me. protect our union form the devil protect our famiyl form the deivl protect our future offspring is you choose t bless ous wiht offsprign form the deivl. Lord if oyu are willign pelase jon u sin your pwerfect itmign and guide u sin our realitonship wiht youa nd one another. dleive rus form all evil. protec tour heart sform idolatry and adultery. Help us seek you and find you with yall our hearts and force us to do oyur will at al times. By OYur hIoly spirit int henameof the Lord Jeu sChirst pleas eprotect my husband oyu have given me protect fis mind body posession habits eyes nose otuch form all evil protect his devices protect hime very item he goes int he internet form all evil and same wiht me. lead us not into tmeptaiton adn dlieve urs ofrm all eivl. hpelas eporvide my husband iwht the job you want that rbigns oyu great glory same iwht me please giv ehim wisodm how to handle the moeny oyu giv ehima dn and never squander any mones. giv eus great love for one another never fear each other. perfectlove cast out all fear. elt no mmiscmmunicaiotn ever occur betweent u sor false accusation opr disocntentment wiht each other or any evl. please protect our midn sherty bodies posesison adn our rleatioship form all wevil. please brign helaign to us where we need it. pelas ehlp us otdo you r WIl I pray that woman have absoletley no favor in my husabdns heart at all that his eyes are open if he is fliritng he should knwo it is not right to flirt wiht a woman other than me. and no favor in his eyes at all. i pray this same thign for me tha ti fidn no tothe rman attractiv eandi canalways easily discern my huabdn as my husband form GHid may i reverenc ehim but not be scared of him but loved always loved cherishe drespected and i actually want o be wiht him and he wants to be wiht em and we cannto live wiht out each other a true devine heavnly conenction ordained by the Lord HImself for Hi glory and power and purpose may my huband always knwo i am his wife an dmay i always know He is my husbnd. just liek i know that my mothe ris my mothe rthat clear and vace versa. may we truly enjoy one anothe rlaugh a lot be happy peace diveine conenciton emotionalyl eye contact deivne romance devien love form God blessign gift form your hands thanky ou Father for my husband tel HIm i am thignkign of im and would liove ot spend the rest of my life wiht HIm. Pelase GBdo tell me who my huabdnis thnaky ou Lor dint he nameof the Lord Jeu sChirst iplead the Holy blood of Chris tont his pray. also dleive rour sunion form all potntional harma nd deanger form the enemy. ma your lives be free form the enemy in or helht my ind heart finances fmailyour repective fmailies god friendldshiyp only who support our union and eneevne minste rot us send trilinso f holy angels to minster to me and my husbadn at all tiems. thank you Lord. also heal our respective fmailies save us by our grace Lord Jeus Chirst. brign your salvaiotn and deliveranc einto every area of our lives. please protect my husband form all evil and may he have great wisodm today grat stregnth and may he serve the Lord Jeus Chirst onyl. and smae iwht me. thnak yu Lord pela speorivde ofr oall our needs all glor ypower and honour goes ot you Lthanky u FOr myhUsband i love Him. pelas e ABsoletley no no coutnerfeit husband no ungdoly husband no non chrisitna husband thank you Lord.
.prais ereport: i r recived helaign on my teeth adn jaws yesterday nd helaign touched form the Lor.d iprais eGod He is our healign m. my grandm asaid more word sprais eGOd. I pray all ar ebelss on this site and htnak you for oyu rprayers. pelas pray fo rmy fmialy salvaitona nd helaign in Christ by HIs stripes we are healed. Lor dincreas eour faith in You. make us trly ur disceiples. most faithful . ipray htis for lal people. Lor dheal am fmaiyl form all neurlogical pyscholigcal emotional post truamtic streesdd isorders heal oru communicaiton wiht oen anothe rmay our lvies be filled wiht oyu rdleiveranc eand yoru helaign and oyur love an dpower lor di ask this for my fmaiyl all relaitves all poepl. may all belvi ein the nLord. help us do oyur Will.pelas ehelp us walk in your ocmmandment sand may we knwo oyu Lord turly lOrd Jeus Chirst i pray htis for my parnets brother grandma. pelas hela my grandma ofrm dmeneita beisn arteries small bowel obstruciotn syndorme boens strenght eehr may sh ebe abel to blink move as you woudl want. pleas eldiee orur hom form pests. pleas ehlp me so to post office help provide mobile bed for my grandma mirauclouls.y pela shelp neight bour od the roof eaisly giv ehimall the subblies usper easily devinely mirauclouly the right rioof tires everyhitng wood ebst qualit ylast a liftiem sma yhe enjoy his work always dliever b form sommign alchhaul giv ehim your salvaiton adn helaign of teeth pelas ehla my brohter heeht miraucluls and pelas ehal my of type 1 diabetes depresison sdaness lonliness and same with all my fmialy memebr.s pleas egiv elal peopel merry hearts and helaign. pelas ehal all who were in accidents mayke physcians nurse caregivers streghtne bless and help them todo OYur will. pelase elt their be no medicla ccidents or accidents. giv ela peopel sound mind. pelase dliever la lpeopel form unclean spirit sinand make their thoughts the thugths yu want Lord. may all say what yu want us otsay hear what oyu want us to hear and do wha toyu wan tus to do. please protect all poepel form all pysciactric dosorders. pleas edleive rme form anger bittenrss ofer owrk. pelas ehal my mom form alexithymia pelase dleive rmy brother form aspergers syndorm is he has it. if my husband for the Lord has and hisoder be hela him Lord an dhelp m to beocme the manyou want hIm to be. no i pray htis fo rlal popel . Please release me form everyhtign tha tis prevenitng em form doing your Will Lor di pray hti sof rlalpopel. in thenamoe fthe lOr djUe schirst htnak oyu. pleas peortect my dad form accidnet clamiites alway sprotect all fmialies whaiel ourt and about in cvehcile protect lal vechicels al children all poepel form accindets. pelas ehla and help the elderly. pelas egiv ethe approprite nutrtion to all peopel and shelt er an dclothign. pelas eno abus eor harm to anymore. pelase dliever us form all captivits all satnic captivity in thenameof the lord Jeus Chirs ti pra.y pelase giv ehtioe in postitons of power ofrce them ot do your Will. give us all wisodm and the power ot act ont hat wisodm. YOur Kingdom Coem Lor dprepar eoruus for oyu rocmign. pelas eldieve rus ofrm corona virus and the cuase therof be healed please dleive rus form natrual disater. pleas eprotec tlla poepels protperties. pleas eodnt all the devil to steal kill or destory anoens lives. pelase giv eus livfa nd life in abundanc. epelase dlieve rme and my fmialy and all peopel form phobias fearsa dn all mentla disorder phycical disocder diabetes cancer tumos unhapiness int henamoe fthe Lord Jeu sChris.t Lor dbewi ht me stornger thna ever. may i nd lal peopel be able to discern your vice. please strenghrnmsy grandma and al lpeoel. iplead and eat the fruit of my lips wiht this prayrer and al adjus tit accoridng to oyur IWll . in thenamfot eh Lord Jesus Christ. I thankyou for my marriage oyu have ordained Lord you have joined together in advance int henameof the Lord Jesus Christ. Pleas ebels sour union and protect our union from all infedelity and sorrow abuseall evil all miscommunicaiton. that our marriage is the greatesjoyplease belssing in our lives after Chirst HImself. I ask thatyou establish it forever. in the name the Lord Jesus Christ. By His Holy blood I thank you for my husabdn you have created and created em for and created him to be my husband, and I thank you how I am blessed with him in thenamoe fo the Lord Jesus Christ. may we both eb always longign kind atrrated evines in every way to one another patient and trusting adn have mor love and wisdom of eahc other . I pray thatthe huband oyu have given me my own true husband. Who puts me first after oyu Lor dnot friends not family not enightbors but marriage is honour abel above all and that is never unfaithful to me not even close and that he and I are divinely protected from this sin. in thenameof the Lord Jeus Christ. I pray for all of our days you giv eus to better. tha tnothgint keeps us apart that we have lot sof itme togther tha touy knit us truly as One adn we are VEry happy togther and see YOu Chirs tin our relaitonship always every word rbeath action deed and intention that we always see each others hearts keep our hearts pure and may we always od oen anothe rogdd all the day sof our lives that we pray togther read oyur Word otgethre owrship togeht and have very easy understanign and communciaiton of some and other that we have lotr sof fun toghte roto. no evil in our relationshuip no compettetiveness for needign to prove oru selves ot each other. true acceptance an dlove oen another the way YOu amde us Lord. int ehanemof thre Lord Jeus Christ. Like adam and eve before the fall. . I also pray for complete and divine protection from every threat every possibel temptation form another woman in our marriage you have ordained. pelase devine protection of this sin for both of us Lord. that oyu join us so strongly togeth Lord and yo Ar eiN our union encouragfe our union join us otgthe rLor dofr oyur glro yna dby your power thank you Father. and we both knwo 100% it is You Lord your WIll for us ot be togther LOud and clear al the time force us to be together and stay togtehr and may we really fall in lvoe iwht each other Heavely devien Love for oen anothe irn every way towards eachother that all maysee the glro yof God. MAy He fidn me soon please God. prepar eus to eb togther and provid eour dwellign place and dleive urs ofrm all evil doers whoa re keeping us apart fi tha tis the case int ehnameof the Lord Jesus Christ. and that nothing no unclean spirit could ever trear us apart nor perosn nor demon. that He always see sme as Chirs tbride an di always see HIm as my HUsband form God out of HIs rib. may he see me as HIs rib always always! in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ. that oyu bind us so strognly equally yoked in Chirst in every aspect of our lives that it is impossible for us o even think of cheaitng on one another. i ask that no perosn man or woman or anyhtign any sins ever even attempt to to ruin our marriage YOu have ordianed Lord and complete and divine protection from any woman that attempts to steal or lure the husband oyu have given me. MAy His eyes and heart be guarded and eyes always knwo traps of the devil. may he find no othe rwoman remotely attractive. he onyl fidn me attractiv ena divce versa. may he fidn me more and more attractiv ean irresistbale and vice versa dily. may no witchcraft or evil power rule over my husband me or our union our respectiv ejoby our union our fmaily or future offspirp if oyu bless us wiht tha tor or no outside fmaily firendships ruel ove rus only the hOly spirit at all thime isn thenamoe fthe Lor dJue sChirst. may he forsake all to be wiht me in a heartbeat in tnameof the Lord Jeus Christ and vice versa , except for the Lord. It is HIm onyl that we serve the Lors Jeus Christ only fiaht ful to HIm in every way. teach cus oyur ways. pelas in henameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. I pray i wil eb the most attractive smarted most desireabel wistest take shis breath away femal he has everseen heard lain eyes on touched etc. his wife!!! truly HIs wife!!! that nothign ever no othe rowman would even be attractiv ein his sight at all. in fact he is repulsed by them in a healthy way. i pray the htoguht of adulterywould make us both sick and that he would not be under any dmeonic influence nto drink or smoke or drugs that would giv ehim and unsound mind and and is he does these things Lor doyu immedieatley dleive rhim form all drugs alchhaul smokign all unclean ungodly habits adn also dleiver me form all ungodly habits Lord. please easily prepar eus ofr holy matrimonyny may we have devine comminucaiton devine eye contact devien hearing speech guided by the Spirit of the Lord Jeus Chirtat al ltimes.may the holy spirit guidse us itn o al truth concenrign one another cocnenrign the Lord ocncenrign woene anothe ritno all turht. bind each of us and join us together as once fesh so strognly in CHrist that it i is impossibel to break that bond . may we also never keep eahc other apart. may he be the most romantic caring kidn lovign man who treats me truly like HIS queen He woudl die for me and lov esme forver all by oyu rpower for oyur glor ylOrd Jesus Christ. ipray you reveal ot me who my husband is and reveal ot him tha ti am hand picked by God to be His wife. prpar eus fo reachother and the works oyu want us to do. gguide us into all truth. please no ocunterfeit husbadn for me or strang ehusband God ordian the marriage to the HUsband you want em to be wiht and pelase make it truly happy for us both true blesisng for us both better than i can ask or imagine. may he be an amazign protector of me and provider may he be emotionally mature hela him in every way and sme iwht me. protect our union form the devil protect our famiyl form the deivl protect our future offspring is you choose to bless ous wiht offsprign from the devil . Lord if oyu are willign pelase join us to be oNe flesh in your pwerfect itmign and guide u s in our realitonship wiht You a nd one another. Keep us in YOur Will at all times. help us to trus tin you Lord your timing. in thenameof the lOr dJeus Chirst. protect la lamrriage form strange marirgae sand form all eivl. recocniel the marriage oyu have ordain that oyu Iwlign to reconciel incuiling my parents marriage if you are willign. All by the powe rof YOur Holy spirit lord. thanky ou Lord. dleive rus form all evil. protec tour heart sform idolatry and adultery. Help us seek you YOur KIngdom first and your rigtheoruness alway and find you with yall our hearts and force us to do Your Will at al times. protec tour union form overwork and form curses witschcraft all forms of occult and false Gods. also pelase let us have LOTs of fun xand lots of hapoiness othgther and lots of energy for each other and breattakign devine intimacy love i pelad your HOly blodo on our bodies energy strgnth restore thour your like the eagels pelase lor.d giv eus a happy long livfe by your grace by your power dand destory everyhtign tha toyuld possbly prevent us form beign together all unclena spirits all evil doers pelase do all in yor power ot join me and my huband toghter odnt let the deivl ge t int he way of thisLor dpelas emak eit happy ne by oyur power easly. pelase soo n i aks this in thenameo fthe Lord Jeu sChris. please send trillionso fholy angel sfor us to be otghter soona dprovid eour won safe peacful pelasant aheavenly hoems thnak you Lor dna dsame wiht our fmialy memry please help them in every way heal them deliver them form all evil protect my amnd my husband form accidents deaht calaminties and our respectiv efmaileis and future offsprit if you so wish ot bles sus wiht. pelase may our mnarriage proper be fruitful multipy and amy we raise God yl offspirtp. please protec tus form al evil doers form any and bitte rpoepel. pelase protec tus ofrm all eivl peopel fals efriends nd strnge wmen adn woemna dn form all ucnlena spirits. dleive rus form all evil pelase Lor dint ehanmeof the Lord Jeus Chirs.t fully pernatley heal us in everyway in thenameof the Lord Jeu sChirst same wit all peole. sav eu slal pelas eLOrd thanky . By OYur hIoly spirit int henameof the Lord Jeu sChirst pleas eprotect my husband oyu have given me protect fis mind body posession habits eyes nose otuch form all evil protect his devices protect hime very item he goes int he internet form all evil and same wiht me. lead us not into tmeptaiton adn dlieve urs ofrm all eivl. hpelas eporvide my husband iwht the job you want that rbigns oyu great glory same iwht me please giv ehim wisodm how to handle the moeny oyu giv ehima dn and never squander any mones. giv eus great love for one another never fear each other. perfectlove cast out all fear. elt no mmiscmmunicaiotn ever occur betweent u sor false accusation opr disocntentment wiht each other or any evl. please protect our midn sherty bodies posesison adn our rleatioship form all wevil. please brign helaign to us where we need it. pelas ehlp us otdo you r WIl I pray that woman have absoletley no favor in my husabdns heart at all that his eyes are open if he is fliritng he should knwo it is not right to flirt wiht a woman other than me. and no favor in his eyes at all. i pray this same thign for me tha ti fidn no tothe rman attractiv eandi canalways easily discern my huabdn as my husband form GHid may i reverenc ehim but not be scared of him but loved always loved cherishe drespected and i actually want o be wiht him and he wants to be wiht em and we cannto live wiht out each other a true devine heavnly conenction ordained by the Lord HImself for Hi glory and power and purpose may my huband always knwo i am his wife an dmay i always know He is my husbnd. just liek i know that my mothe ris my mothe rthat clear and vace versa. may we truly enjoy one anothe rlaugh a lot be happy peace diveine conenciton emotionalyl eye contact deivne romance devien love form God blessign gift form your hands thanky ou Father for my husband tel HIm i am thignkign of im and would liove ot spend the rest of my life wiht HIm. Pelase GBdo tell me who my huabdnis thnaky ou Lor dint he nameof the Lord Jeu sChirst iplead the Holy blood of Chris tont his pray. also dleive rour sunion form all potntional harma nd deanger form the enemy. ma your lives be free form the enemy in or helht my ind heart finances fmailyour repective fmailies god friendldshiyp only who support our union and eneevne minste rot us send trilinso f holy angels to minster to me and my husbadn at all tiems. thank you Lord. also heal our respective fmailies save us by our grace Lord Jeus Chirst. brign your salvaiotn and deliveranc einto every area of our lives. please protect my husband form all evil and may he have great wisodm today grat stregnth and may he serve the Lord Jeus Chirst onyl. and smae iwht me. thnak yu Lord pela speorivde ofr oall our needs all glor ypower and honour goes ot you Lthanky u FOr myhUsband i love Him. pelas e ABsoletley no no coutnerfeit husband no ungdoly husband no non chrisitna husband thank you Lord.
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