Servant of All
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ in every aspect of my daughter and the rest of my family cleansing every part of us. Jesus, I rebuke the spirits of isolation, prideful, cunning, obsessive, instigation, destruction, confusion, stubbornness, disrespect, manipulation, jealousy, control, hatred, provoking, chaos, lies, divisive, selfishness, witchcraft, and all other spirits affiliated with this young man and his mother. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command them to flee from my daughter and my family forever and never return. Jesus give my daughter the wisdom to see all the red flags in this relationship and end it swiftly with not regrets. Jesus help her to be honest about the toxicity of this relationship to get the help she needs to get out of it. Jesus guide my daughter to not idolize this controlling young man and his mother. Speak to my daughter and let her realize that she is being disrespectful, saying hurtful things and degrading her mother and her father, not caring about her siblings feeling just to please her boyfriend and his mother, allowing the young man to be disrespectful & hateful toward her family is not God's way. He treats her like a possession. Jesus, I am not sure why my daughter think this is love. This is not her personality she is doing exactly what he wants her to do. My daughter is very smart and know better but she is in a very damaging relationship because he has no respect for anyone or anything except himself. Jesus, I pray for Your Divine Powers to block this young man and his mother from luring my daughter to move into her basement. This will not be a healthy environment for my daughter as they continue to make her feel worthless. This relationship is getting from bad to worst. I pray for my daughter to move back to her home and for the young man to move back with his parent home alone. Let his parents realize he is not a good provider, he is not stable, with a lot of ungodly behaviors that they need to help him with, and not to put their undue responsibilities on my daughter. Especially with his past troubles which is still continuing now. He is very prideful and has not learned from his mistakes. Everyone in our family has tried our best to be kind and accepting of him but he is ungrateful, disrespectful and divisive toward everyone in our family including her father. Jesus convict this young man's family to stop placing their responsibility on my daughter and our family. It is too much. This young man has put my daughter and our family in extreme financial hardship. Jesus, I pray my daughter will start to follow the biblical teachings again, give her a conscience and a strong desire to respecting herself, her family, her work, her school and for her to put You first in her life again. This young man is a negative influence in every aspect of the life. He is taking her down a very dark path swiftly. No weapon formed against my daughter, me and my family shall prosper. Jesus I rebuke this stubborn careless, idolizing spirit she acquired from this young man to think she is not worthy of better. Let my daughter see he is not her significant other. I pray for a Godly spouse for my daughter, a great provider and a respectful man of God. I pray for her to have an everlasting peace, joy, love and happiness. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.