Humble Servant of All
Dear Lord, we come to You in Jesus' name. We ask that You would give our daughter strength and courage to leave this unhealthy situation. Help her to see that this isn't Your plan for her life. This young man is not her significant other. We pray that You would disrupt any plans this young man and his mother has to control her or her finances. Give her the wisdom and confidence to focus on her own path, her family, and her future. I pray his mother encourges her son to move back home and not put her responsibilities on my daughter to take care of him. I pray he would move back with his parents and get the proper guidance for his dad. Jesus, block Sara from poisining my daughter against her own family just because she and her son wants to control her. I know my daughter see the disrepect he has toward me, her sister and her brother. I pray she will stand up for her family because we see her worth. This young man makes my daughter feel worthless quite a bit. Jesus teach my daughter to not ignore the red flags, Jesus. Give her the wisdom to not look at this possessive, controling behaviors as a heathy habit for her relationship with him. Teach her that he is not her significant other and he does not own her. Draw her closer to You, Jesus and her family. I thank You Jesus, we were able to have a healthy discussion about the benefits of living by the biblical teachings yesterday. My daughter is a child of the Most High God. Jesus, block Sara from encourages this disrespectful behaviors toward my family. Block Sara from her wicked ways and plans toward my family teach her to focus on her own family. We ask that You would deliver my daughter from this relationship soon, Lord. Put a hedge of protection around her and our family. In Jesus' mighty name, we pray. Amen.