Beloved of All
Many of our personal trials and struggles are impacted by the bad decisions of others. Whether we live in an area where the vast population votes for people who inflict pain and suffering on the collective communities through inflation, economic turmoil from the self-interests of a few, atrocities that can only be seen as crimes against humanity and God, there are many of us who do not choose these decisions and look to Jesus, yet are impacted by the bad decisions of others. First, I pray that God opens the eyes of those blindly or willingly making bad decisions impacting and destroying communities or lives for the greed and selfishness of a few. Whether these people have simply given up hope and refuse to see that God is in control and not the world controlled by narcissists, liars, and gas lighters or they actually believe the liars and choose suffering or worse choose this suffering on many as a means to profit or gain favor from the wicked people in charge, I pray that those who are blinded have their eyes open to the consequences of their decisions by God. For those who simply refuse, I pray that God gives refuge to the believers who reject these bad decisions so they are immune and protected from the consequences of bad decisions that others make. For families where some people are blindly making bad decisions, while others are not and seek God, I pray that the believers are shielded by God from the impact of those following blindly and that the consequences on the spiritually blind family members are minimal. I pray that God protects His believers and guides these families to areas of the country and world where they can find the peace and love of Jesus Christ without being inflicted by the burdens of suffering from the impact of high cost of living and inflation, atrocities to God and humanity, selfishness and greed filled with lies from people seeking to do harm guided by evil, high crime and violence, and other negative effects. I pray this for myself and others. Let us look to Jesus Christ always and be shielded by God from the negative and harmful decisions of others. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.