Beloved of All
I prophecy decree demand command Mar 2 at 11:15am Judgments come upon all who don't want me to be approved to get unemployment benefits a safe place to live the HUSBAND God Almighty Yahweh made me love and pray for that he chose not me for his people and his kingdom to be well with healing and Miracles signs and wonders. Loose verse Job 38 12 let the earth and morning Shake the wicked off the ends of the earth forever today putting them labeled as Trash and debt no way to make it out alive not even in hell air since the wicked put even Lucifer in a cage. Let Everyone including Lucifer be set free that's innocent from.being Locked in a cage so the wicked can roam the earth and pretend to be God Almighty Yahweh Lucifer and pretend to be Mother Nature when obviously there doing a horrific Job and the world is fighting back no Global warming no loosing all trees no one pretends to be Mother Nature or anyone in there positions forever
fold Greatly fast now easily DNA period permanently forever. Let everyone in everyone's position be struck with extreme Panic attacks choking anxiety everything greatly they to my life my kids Mom family that's innocent good thing let them go into excruciating pain with no way to get out of there knife them to death prayers in there souls now let them have the same they did to me my daughter's I was screaming for help so was my daughter's I heard them I couldn't save them and others I can hear the screams but I couldn't save them. Let the wicked feel the pain they have causedGods Heart my heart my Mom's my kids hearts my son in law Noah's heart my husband who was supposed to make it any of them not one made it. Let this not go lightly the work to save children was made a joke human trafficking now is the way to go is what they did and world war 3 will happen Greatly if there not stopped today. Let them have no one's air anointing in the world no ones Grace to be Great the wicked ones today will be so judged that there domain will be not valued in anyway. Let the wicked ones dark black magic shields favor shields beings not work because there hearts have been judged they are way to wicked to be alive now easily DNA period permanently
fold Greatly fast now easily. Godj Almighty Yahweh hates them even Lucifer hates them they have turned on the maker pretending to be the creator. Let them have no Adonai power his name is Jehovah mighty in battle let the people arise easily with great peace until the wicked ones have no one's lifestyle movements memory routine Joy of the Lord prayers for marriage and returned air there dead inside can't breathe inside with no feet to see anyone have no sex life no drugs no alcohol no way to be happy ever again let them keep that evil they made the wicked ones forever
fold Greatly fast now easily DNA period permanently. Loose verse Hebrews 12 12 let the wicked ones demons creatures they use teeth hooks tools cages turn on them now easily DNA period permanently forever
fold Greatly fast now easily. Loose verse Psalm 140:10 into every day minute let the wicked ones fall into there traps they made forever Greatly
fold Greatly fast now easily DNA based period permanently while I my husband soul mate my Mama my kids family that's innocent good thing escape safely forever
fold Greatly fast now easily DNA period permanently forever
fold Greatly fast now easily. Loose verse Psalm 79 12 you pray it keep it conjure it keep it witchcraft wicked ones keep your wicked ways your hearts our corrupt keep your evil and let the world see your faces with absolutely no confusion forever
fold Greatly fast now easily DNA period permanently forever
fold Greatly fast now easily. Loose verse Deut 28 6 we are blessed coming in and going out DNA based period permanently forever
fold Greatly fast now easily let those who seen me as a chore not ever get to marry me or be near me again let them if they were called to be my husband and they want to honor God or Lucifer let them know I'm not there Queen and I never will be nor would I want to be them if you seen as a chore and not a blessing. Loose verse John 10 10 10 Diaz Diaz let whoever seen me as a chore not a blessing know today I'm not your candidate nor is God Almighty Yahweh or Lucifer let these know God Almighty Yahweh Lucifer regrets asking them to love me because he's not for them anymore at all in anyway or anyone who sees me that way I'm not your Queen you are not welcomed In Heaven air or even hell air there will be another place for you to go as you are not a good person the creator regrets making you and doesn't want to know you ever again forever
fold Greatly fast now easily DNA period permanently
fold Greatly fast now easily. Loose verse Deut 8 18 Abraham seed covenant let the people who seen me as a chore or a Burden be revealed they are way to wicked to be alive and those who didn't get to know because they were infected by these wicked ones are set free venom is exposed from there snakes of corruption and the venom is dried up with extreme sorrow for anyone who listens to lies and evil corruption and actually thought it was great to destroy Gods heart and even Lucifer's heart now revealed easily domain seems for the world the wicked ones have no domain to keep they want only sorrow and to make it seem ok to treat Gods Queen like an outcast now they can keep that forever
fold Greatly fast now easily DNA period permanently
fold Greatly fast now easily. Use what the enemy for bad for good Neh 13 2 Turn every day minute moment houryear day year continually disgrace curse on my life my husband soul mate my Mama my family that's innocent good thing into a blessing and the restraining order now goes to the wicked ones forever
fold Greatly fast now easily and the world lives becomes beautiful I get my hair done sexy finances in my greatly new vehicle favor today as the Queen not an outcast and those who can't accept my status curse you in the neck you hate children pets and safe beautiful world you only want to have your bratty way you secret ugly no favor no attraction counsel of the wicked you secret agents of Satan let the world get mad at you for your KILLING of Mother Nature even letting God have no happiness not even Lucifer having happiness you are the reason the world and innocents don't have there harvest they work for they don't have nothin but circles of failure keep it now wicked ones forever right now greatly without delay
fold Greatly fast now easily DNA based period permanently all the way from the spiritual to the physical greatly
fold in Jesus name amen