Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for this Prayer Website, for Everyone that You Convict to come here for Whatever reason they come here, if it be Your Will Bless them with what they desire of You, Teach them to get into Your Word, Teach them to Be Thankful, To Pray for Others over themselves, to Thank each other, to Be Thankful to You, Bless their spouses to return unto them, Forgive them for anything that they have done against You, Give them Love and Forgiveness for themselves, for each other, Give them Favour for themselves as well as for others and others towards them, Prepare them for All things, Teach them to die to themselves, die to their thoughts for themselves, Give them Peace, the Peace that is like wine yet without understanding, Bless them with Joy in You, Teach them it is their strength, Bless them with Healing by Your stripes, Bless them to conquer All things through You, Teach them to Say Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for what they desire in advance so that they can See it as Done/Finished, as a Wedding Present from You and share You with as many as they can, Save us Lord Jesus, Reveal Yourself Unto Us so that We All Can Declare that You are Very Real without even the possibility of ever leaving or forsaking us, Shine Your Face Upon Us and Change Us All in Your Image which is in us as well as at Hand All around us, Shape Us, Mold Us, Fears Leave Us, Blasphemys Leave Us in Jesus, Bless Us with what we need and more to be Fruitful in You, Bless our Finances, Convict Us to Give, To Share especially of our experiences with You, Prosper Us and Oh so very much more! All for Your Glory Lord Jesus! All in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus! Praise You Lord Jesus! Glory to You Lord Jesus!!!