Beloved of All
Priase report: thank you Lor dfor shifitng teeth adn jaw in alignemntment i am so thanlful thank you for helaign me and for less tartat the Lord is so good! pelas epra yof rmy fmaily full salvation my grandm asis bedirdden and weak and so worrie dpelas epra yof rhe helaign through Chirs tand the Lords mercy also my mom needs a piece of metal removed form her jaw and need new shap teeth Please Lord Jeus Chirs tbe her dentist an dheal her form aspergers and also all who need helaign in their brians and neurodevelopment and also heal B brian adn delive rhim form smokign and alchahluism salvaiton and helaign giv emy grandma salvation pelase pray th red spots are healed al ehr flehs and congesztive heartfialure heal if thats the case and als my dads heart valve ot heal his salvation in Chirst secure and for my grnadm amom and all my fmaily brothe runcle granduncle for granducnels hearts to heal and allplaque sicknessdisease and truama be helaign in ym fmaiyl body mind will emotions and be free form allcurse adn genetic illness type one diabet es all types of inslluni reisstenc ehirsutism Lor dhela my dads let his wiehgt be godo heale dmerery heart healed teeth infeciton leave and also inflamation God belss my fmialy and dleive rus forma l eivl Please and htnak you thanky ou for helaign my etth right now thank you Lord. giv eme a mroe grateful heart thank you for so many miralce.s help me nto foccus on my problems btu on your lvoe and greatness. pelase forgiv em ysisn pelase pleas ehal my grandm airght no pelas ehal her pelase and heal my moma nd dad and breothe rof histmian eintoleranc ehal B in every way. heal and protec tmy future husband and oru childrne form allevil. bless our union wiht oyur devine love and Hoyl spirit that joins u sin marriage please brign helaign to u sin all area san dleive rus form allwitschcraft al eivl precvenitng us form beign oen flehs in Chirst. i pray ofr Bs salvaiotn i pray of rmy brothers salvation and also my whole fmaiyli for V his brian to eb heale dna dbe providie dwith ebs tcar enutrtin adn all his need sbe met. i pray of rla my relative fot have thier salvaiotn in cChirs thave htie rneeds met and have good doly firenships . ipray for fmaiiliy rsotraíiton and reunion. Ipray of r strenght and Lovign guidanc eform God to help em be wha tHe want s me to be help em clean hsuse dleiver me form coornaphobia germs dirtphobia forigve my sisn. help me and dleive rus form allplagues viruses dleiver all peole form all manner of evil. restore marriages. restore and make all marriage soyu have ordian unbreakabels. protect allhearts form idolatry and idaolatry. help us be who OYu calle dus to Be help me be who OYu camm em to eb adn be Who OYu want me to Be. pelasepleas ehal my grandma woerfully pelas edleive rheeform demtnia all eunclena spirit sigv ehe rmerr yhear miracle pelas enow Lor dif oyu are wiliign. thank you for OYu rmiracle sin shifitng my teeth adn shifitng my perspecitv eot what ismportant. So allinyour power to heal esote elal mey relaitonshisps andsplease do allinyour power t protec tall my fmaily memebrs form accident protection form eivl calamities and diastarers. please giv emy da dplent yof oxygen. send soemoen into His life know Knwos Chirst and can help him in any way. pleas ehelp him i beg oyu want o see him soon alive and well pelas elor dmake this happedn if you are willign. please do all inyour power to prologue all my fmaily memebrs lives an dlal peoels lives prolongue our lives please forive our sisn and brign helaign resotration to us all .s ave all youls and hela all on this site and thier fmialies emotionalyl phycially and helaign for those mouring brign ture helaign and dleiveranc fform feal and aevil and end t hwars with peacefull alliance. please Bless Isreal. pelase guiden me guid emy htoughts guideimy heart guide mwiht yht epowe rof your hOyl spiti teahc me to walk in you r Holy spiitrt. i will nt otake my loved ones for granted please Lord o alliynrupower o save my fmaily memebrs form hell by CHirs tblood and brin helaign to htier live sgive us more time here on her to lov eone anothe rand serve OYu Lord lov eoyu above all. Help us giv eour lives ot OYu help me be a better caregiviner please provide bes tmvibel bed fo rmy grandma heal her dleiver my doad out of homelssnes rmiaculsy and igv ehim bes tpensionw ith benefits.pelas heelp him take vcare of himself and hel us take careof ourselve san doen another dleive rus form allbtiterness and disocuragment strnghtne our heart splease thnaky ou Lro di prayed thid for lal peoel too. hela also all who have cance rmriauclulsy and alzahimers dmentia paralysis type 1 diabetes diabetewy indispidus and all for fo hirsutism insium resisitenc.e pelase hela my hirsutsm and root caus etheor. pelase dleiver me form salt and do the same for my grnamd mom my da dhbby form God his sid eof fmaily my brothe rhis wife and hildren. prtoect my nephye in e womb and heal him isf nee dbe and protet my sis in law form all eivl andhela he rin every way. please rest roeur relaitonship and thank yu for helairng my praiyng thank you to all plraiyng belss lal thos epraiyng for me and my family espially mmy grandma. please portmy fmaily and do allinyour power to protet and dleive rus form all manner of evil form acidnet harm form onfusiosn form anyhtign tha tould harm us proete tus form acidnet death adn please resotre wha the devil has stolen or destoryed in my life an dmy family life and and allllives. All praise Glory thanks!! so mcuh goes to OYu Most HIgh Lord Jeus Chirs.t save all whom i spoke wiht. in thenameo fhte lor djues HCirs. t!!! Der Heavenly Father ,Dear Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. i coem to oyu in prayer .i am sorry for all the tiemsi have grieved oyur holy spirit. please forgive me for all my short comigns and failures. i want o change. help me tochange. help me o repent of my sins and seekk you wiht all my heart. please forgive all my sins. help me to seek oyuwih my all of my heart and not mere words. forgive em for all the times i have nto kept my word. please giv eme the power to b faithful to oyu always.