Beloved of All
I write this as a friend to the Body of Christ... God I ask people would hear about and take Novavax in place of Pfizer and Moderna. Novavax is a safer and far more effective vaccine that actually Prevents Covid-19 (Not lets you get Covid but keeps you from dying like Pfizer/Moderna). It is not good to let mRNA teach our cells to produce a Spike Protein then teach our Body to fight off what the Body created. It is a recipe to have the Body create auto-immune disease (Body Fights off body functions). The Novavax vaccine is Approved by 142 Countries, the LAST country to approve it was the US FDA, and it is Harder to find -- insist on calling pharmacies and ordering it -- check the bottle before they shoot you to make sure it is Novavax. I ask for blessing on the media to let people know and against the greed of Big Pharma that delayed this for One Year and a Half (over 18 months), and help people call a few different pharmacies and reserve their shot with an appointment or walk in -- I believe it can only be given as Primary at this point but am praying for Booster Status soon (like the rest of the World has -- Canada can give it to us if you need a little drive)... Make sure you ask to see the bottle, protect this message in the name of Jesus.