God, Thank you for this day. Jesus, Thank you for this day and night and my sweet dreams, and my visions, and teaching me what is right. Jesus, This morning, my daughter messaged me while I was at work, and said, my husband, Carl, kicked my puppy, he is just 6-7 weeks old, not weighing 2lbs. because he had an accident on the floor. I am still teaching him how to use the puppy pad inside and take him outside when I get his parvovirus shots. Jesus, I pray Carl don’t do that no more. Jesus, I also pray, Carl will let my children be happy and glad with m and rejoice with me, and laugh, and I can talk to them without him interfering and we can learn and hear what each and one another has to say when I talk to them, he gets very angry and jealous and has to be in control over everything, and it’s wrong. Jesus, does this mean he is married to himself? Jesus, Carl is just so angry. Jesus, Carl is mostly angry with me, but, when he is working, I heard from my step cousin, he gets angry with my oldest son, Austin, and everyone else, not like he does my son, and it’s wrong, and I know Carl hurts and aches, we all do. Carl just don’t know how to control his anger and emotions, and I pray he will learn how to control his anger and emotions. Jesus, I pray we all know how to control our anger and emotions. Jesus, I want to be nice and kind to the father, the son, the Holy Spirit, and my husband, Carl, and to my children, my cousins, aunts and uncles, my mother and father, all. Jesus, None of us shouldn’t have to go through any of the anger he has, he says we caused it, and I ask for forgiveness if we did, but, I don’t think we did. Jesus, I know you are perfect and innoncent, and so, I say, thank you. Jesus, Not even thank you, isn’t enough for what you do for all of us. Jesus, Thank you. Jesus, I pray for our friendship, and relationship. Jesus, What do you do when your with the father? Jesus, Are you happy and glad? Jesus, Where do you dwell at? Jesus, I know you are in paradise, do you like being in Paradise with all others who loves you, and who believes in you, and those who call on you and we believe in the miracles from your father to you? Jesus, I pray for all those I have lost, I pray they are with me and is rejoicing and glad and laughing and we are all telling jokes and laughing, with true, love and mercy, forgiveness, tears of joy, piece and peace. Jesus, I pray for my friendship and relationship with you. Jesus, I love the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus, I pray I love all, and I am true and kind and forgiving just as others are to me, I pray I can help my family and myself first and then I can help others of it is what I need to do. God, In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen