God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for this the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life alway, my children’s life alway, my brothers and sisters life alway, my hellyans life alway, my future grandchildren’s life alway. God, Thank you! God, I pray I can have the chance and opportunity to be able to have grandchildren and for me to watch them grow up where I can hold, love and teach them, give hugs and kisses, them spend the night with me, do fun arts and crafts, take them to church to learn about your holy word, and buy them what they need, play with them, take them on vacation with me, and just be there with them when they need me. God, I pray for FaceBook, they have changed the name to Meta, in Hebrew, Meta means dead, I’m not sure Gods plan, but, I pray me and mine are safe alway, and protected alway, because Lord God, you can do all things possible. God, I pray for Israel and America, I love thee verily much. Jesus, A long time ago, my step sister, Melissa, said, I am just like my mother, and I am not like my mother, I am like me, I am who I am, how would she like if I said, she is just like her mother?Jesus, My stepsister, Melissa, said, God don’t love me, but, I know you, God, and I know God love me. Jesus, My stepsister, Melissa, said more things too, and I say, I know I’m not perfect, and I don’t deserve anything I have been given by those who love me, so, thank you. Jesus, I know I shouldn’t expect anything in return when I give, so, what should I expect if I let borrow and haven’t been paid back yet? Jesus, Thank you for all you have given and blessed me with. God, I pray for all. Jesus, I‘m not in love with my husband, but, I love my husband, and I need the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, something and someone in my life where I am happy and glad and I am different than other women; and I’m in love alway with a true Christian man, and I am a true Christian woman and he is in love with me alway too, who is good to me and my children, and my future grandchildren and I am to him too. Jesus, I love you, thank you for hearing and answering my prayers. God, In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen