God, Thank you for this day. I pray Ms. Wanda will sell her red truck to B.J. for $4,500-$5,000! He needs a truck. And she said she will think about it. I pray Carl and his plans don’t hurt himself or no one else. I pray we ain’t one. I don’t won’t to be married to him. He don’t know how to keep his word or tell the truth to those who are in the house with him and it’s a shame. I could be just as evil as him, but, I have children who I love verily much. He don’t like the people I hang around, but, he don’t say it until he gets drunk he blames it on the alcohol. I’m a happy drunk, just like me, my friends, my children and there best friends. I need to be nice and kind to me, and mine through all. My mother and father taught me right from wrong, they taught me there is one God, and Jesus saves, and Abba raises me and mine from the dead and The Holy Spirit can translate all things for me and mine. And I love my God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and Abba, and all of mine alway. I pray for those on here in this prayer group. I pray your prayers are answered. God. in the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen