God, Thank you for this day. Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in life alway, my children’s life alway, and my brothers and sisters life alway. Thank you, God! I love thee verily much. I love Jesus the Messiah verily much too. I pray for all who have lost someone, they are with you alway. I pray for those on here, I pray you answer there prayers. I pray for my boss, I pray he knows me, hears me and I understands you and me. He also wants what Lil Ricky has with me, if that is the case then it will cost him, not me and you. I pray for in me the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit alway, I love thee verily, verily much forever and alway. I talked to my boss, I’d like to get to know him better. He is a Muslim and I, Liana, 100% trust and believe in The Lord God Jesus Christ, and I would like to be here and there for those who are passing through while we can be in peace. I asked him what the difference between a Muslim and Islam are? I’m trying to figure out why he wouldn’t trust and believe in Jesus, Father. Because I am knowing The Lord God Jesus Christ all my life, and I wanna know why he don’t believe in Jesus? I pray to know my boss, Quader, all of him, so, I might can meet his steps match for match for me and mine and whom I believe in, The Lord God Jesus Christ. From what Quader told me, he use to like and love American women, and true and real American women trust and believe in The Holy Bible, our Lord God Jesus Christ, that was until his mother made him go and be with a woman of his race. And he started to turn cold and heartless. I pray my boss truly likes and loves me and all I believe in. Even if he never tells me. I pray for Jesus the Messiah in me alway. I pray I can have perfect timing, good vibes and good feelings, true and honest, a good and kind and true heart, power, love, miracles and magic, good spirits in me, listening and hearing the word of God alway, making love good, and being myself while helping and praying for others too alway. I pray for all of mine I love, Jes the Messiah, you know all of me, and you know I love thee verily, verily much alway, no matter what. Yeshua, I pray for the people in Israel, I pray they keep there heads held high, while walking through the storms. You can do all things possible with God. I love Israel and her people to alway. I pray for the storms moving in, I pray we are safe from the storms, but while we have clean water for our plants and animals and people. I pray I save my food and my people are saved and baptized in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit alway because I love my God alway. I pray I know the truth, live in the truth and be the truth alway. God, I ask and pray for unspoken and silent prayers, please. God, In the name of Jesus, I pray alway. Amen