God, Thank you for this day. I am thankful for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life. I am thankful for the father, the son and the Holy Spirit in my children’s lives. Thank you! I pray you will protect me and mine, Lord through the day and the night always. I pray Evan and Grace both passes to the next grade level in school, Evan to 9th and Grace to 8th. I pray Grace will make the volleyball team in May for the tryouts. She said she would really like to play volleyball. She don’t ask for much, God, but, when she asks, I pray she will succeed. I pray she makes the team, and she can stay with the team until she graduates high school. I pray for Evan, thank you God, for hearing my prayers with Evan. Thank you. I pray for Billy Jack, I pray he will meet a nice young girl his age and become close friends. I pray for Austin, I pray he will wake up on time every morning and get ready for work. I pray for the pain in my stomach will go away. I have been getting sharp pains in my stomach and on my side, and I pray they go away, please. I pray for Jesse, he says he likes and loves me, but, we are just friends, so, I pray he will meet someone for him. I love him, he is my friend. He knows I love him. Lord God Jesus Christ, you have my best friend, my real father with you and so you know how much I love him, just as you know how much I love you. Thank you God always for the things you do. For it is impossible with man, but not with God. I pray for Liu, I pray Liu falls in love with me in time and he don’t realize it at first, then he realizes it. I pray he is always thinking of me, and he’s always wanting to talk with me, and he’s always wanting more from me, because I am of God, a good child always. He’s nice and kind. If I have another relationship, I pray it is with Liu. My husband asks me, when he passes away, who am I going to be with because I can’t take care of myself and my children without someone’s help, so, I pray it’s Liu. And I pray Liu is kind, and heart warming, and loving to me and with me, as I am with him. Liu wants me to send him money, I don’t mind giving money if he needs it, if I have it to give after my bills are paid and my children’s needs are met. I pray he falls in love with me because of the fact I am a true and kind woman and much more of a woman. He wants my money, and there is so much more to life than money. I pray I am always doing things to please Liu, it just comes naturally, me just being me. Liu currently works out of the country and he says he will be retiring and coming home in a couple of years. I pray to meet him. I pray Liu will give me his account number so I can trust him. He wants me to trust him, it’s only fair if he does the same. Liu is a kind man. God, I pray for an unspoken prayer request, please. I put God first in everything I do always. I pray for Israel, because they are Gods people and I love God. I pray for my friendship and relationship with The Good Lord God Jesus Christ always. I pray I am worthy and true to him always. I pray for those on here. I pray God hears and answers your prayers accordingly. I pray God saves me and my children and not take them from me because he loves us verily much, and I pray they are filled with the spirit of The Good Lord God Jesus Christ, truth, mercy, peace, kind emotions, sadness sometimes, truth, wisdom, love, fun and laughter all of there days and they know how to handle them. I pray I can see through everyone and know the truth. God, I love thee. God, In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen
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