God, Thank you for this day. Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life. I pray for all of my relatives. God, I ask and pray for you to guide all of us to where we need to be for you. I pray for Evan, I pray he keeps his grades picked up to A’s and B’s. I pray the stress he goes through because of his dad, is lifted off of him and he can see you, Jesus, in the dark. He is a very smart child. His fad isn’t nice to him, he just acts like he is. So, I pray my true love will overcome in Evan from his dad’s lies, and deceiving acts, and boot Carl’s wrong and wicked ways out, so, Evan will know what love is, and how to love. His dad likes to use my children against me to get what he wants, so, I pray no matter what his my husband says, I will be able to overcome Carl and his wicked and wrongful ways in my children with love, discipline, and truth. My husband has put in my sons mind, Jesus isn’t nothing, and so, I keep saying Jesus is everything. I pray Evan can get in shape and lose some weight. His dad’s conversation is so hateful, I pray Evan can overcome his dad and his wicked ways with Thy Good Lord. And I pray for Grace, I pray she keeps her grades picked up with A’s and B’s. I pray she will have a true friend who she can call and talk to, go and visit with, smile and laugh, and just be herself with. I pray for Austin, he is dating some girl to find out if she is right for him. I pray Austin will save his money, and spend more time talking with me. I pray for B.J., I pray B.J. can get in shape and lose some weight. He is a good man, he works hard, he is kind and loving. I pray Jesus will match him with his true soulmate, so, they can both lift each other up and be glad and rejoice together. I pray for Jesse, he says he is my friend, and yet, he talks bad about my son. And then he says, he is just kidding. Not funny. The thing is, I lived without Jesse for many years. I pray I can still live a good, and true kind hearted, loving Thy Lord God Jesus Christ for many more life. Jesse ain’t no different than my husband. Jesse says he loves a woman, and yet he bad mouths her. I’ve told him, if he loves her, how can he say such bad words. I still haven’t found my true love. I pray I can encounter the Holy Spirit in my life and keep him with me always and use him always as he can use me always. I know God is the one true love. If I have ever known true love from a human, it is Brian Fuller, we were good friends. We talked at night, during the day, etc. and he had tumors. I prayed to God to find a cure for cancer, for all of those who suffer, it’s unfair. He got ran over by 2 young men a few years ago who wasn’t caring about others. They rode up where he was walking and hit him. I love Brian. I use to call him Moses, because he always was preaching the true gospel. I loved him for all he was worth and more. I just pray he is thinking of me and all the times we had together in Heaven and Paradise now, everyday. If I could go back in time, he would be alive and we would be together. If I could change my future, I would be where he is and we would be together. And we would be together. I pray for all of those on here. I pray God hears your prayers and answers them. God, In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen
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