God, Thank you for this day. I am thankful for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. I pray for Grace, she is having troubles trying to click on her work and do it. She has zeros in her class because it’s not letting her click on her work. She has let the teachers know. I pray the problem will be fixed, so, she can complete her work and pass. I pray for Evan, his work is completed, all his grades are good, but, he can pick up his Algebra. I pray for B.J., he works so hard for the county and I am so proud of him, I pray he will meet a nice young lady his age and they become good friends. I pray for Austin, he works all day too, and I pray he saves his money to buy him a new car. I pray for all of these children, Austin, B.J., Evan and Grace, they save more money than they spend for a better future for themself and their families. I pray for Daniel, he is Austin and B.J.’s best friend and he lives with us, he is a good child, I am thankful my sons had such a kind and true and caring friend who truly does care and love them. Thank you, God. I pray for Israel, God bless Israel alway. I pray for my friend Jesse, I pray he will meet a nice and kind woman he can be with, whom he likes and loves, and me and him still stay true friends. I pray for myself with guidance, wisdom, knowledge, truth, mercy, forgiveness, love, peace, kindness, joy, gladness, goodness, great personality, beauty, a loving and true heart for myself and my close relatives and others, true to our Lord God Jesus Christ Messiah, and true to my father Abba, alway, I pray to be filled with the glory of God alway, and I pray to love one another as God loves me. I pray for one day at a time to work on and fix, as I pray for the nights to be sweet sleep and peace. God, In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen