Father God Lord Jesus Christ I thank you for the Holy Spirit you love to dwell with us and you ascended and do heaven. I am feeling confident there are things happening that I believe are you answering prayers Help me to be still and listen as a financial miracle maybe happening and I believe it is because we have all prayed and I pray everyday believing only in you. The second need which is a full-time job to replace the one lost January there are so many possibilities in Lord I know you will pick the right one and you will bless me with the job better than any I've had before so I can not only provide for us but for me to be stable and to be able to help others as it pleases you and only as it pleases you not for any selfish reasons Please remove any selfishness or addictions frictions and give faith where it is lacking in my family Lord The faith of a mustard seed even and let them know it is from you so they can know you as I do and please strengthen my faith everyday I am learning to be still I'm listening I know you were providing and I thank you in advance and ask these things in Jesus name and I thank you for what you have done you are doing and yet will do. I declare these prayers are answered for me and my family and all in need here for you love all of your children.
I will not worry God is with me I will fear nothing I can do all things in Jesus Christ who strengthens me. Amen
I will not worry God is with me I will fear nothing I can do all things in Jesus Christ who strengthens me. Amen