Dear Brothers and Sisters:. My name is ###, I live in a small town in Southern Europe and I am a Christian Orthodox.
I come before you in humility and with all my respect. I never thought I would join a group like this one, but I did.
In May 2016, I went to bed one night and almost did not wake up. The last thing I remember was the Ambulance carrying me to Emergency Care. In the hospital, I was later diagnosed with a Grade III brain tumor, and there started my fight against the horrible disease. I did it all, from chemotherapies to radiations to surgical removal in the end, which was successful, thank God! and had little to no impact on my motor skills, movement capability, or mental ability in general.
However, what DID change was my stamina and physical strength further along the way, which I consider to be the lesser harm that happened to me given the circumstances. But due to my strength and physical exhaustion, I suffer extensive periods of fatigue and sleepiness, sleep disorders and stress, and the occasional depression peaks - which I am fighting through therapy sessions and medications.
Further along the way, I discovered I have now lost some part of my peripheral vision on one side, which again is an aftereffect of chemo and surgery combined.
All these years since, I never gave up, I never quit on my family and little kid (now 10.y.o) and did all my best to secure a remote job, be it menial or whatever, even the simplest low-pay tasks online, to be able to contribute a handful of cents into the household.
Alas, no luck, ever since!! Not only did I lose my job, as a marketing consultant, despite my high qualifications with Master's degrees and 20-years of experience, but I also lost my faith in life, my hope, and my aspiration for something better coming my way!!
I prayed a lot in the beginning, asking God our Savior for some kind of relief, because financially in our family we are marginally near below average, and we do not own any assets, liquid or tangible, we live on rent and my wife has been attending to me and the little one, for so long, trying to also put the food on the table.
In the face of so many hardships, unemployment, living on 10 dollars or less a day, and losing my peer's appreciation, my income, and my daily professional routine, as I had been building it all my life (for better or worse).) I was shaken to my core!
I begged, made countless phone calls, asked for a job, sent my resume everywhere you could imagine, and even mobilized friends, family, and former associates to help me. ALL of which to no avail!!!
As if there was a curse on me or something. My faith in The Lord was tested and challenged so many times. I felt distress and risked a small amount of savings to a "promising" investment, but.... got ripped off!! Not once, twice!! I was only hoping for some improvement, nothing large really.
Yet, instead of profiting, I lost it all to scammers, who got away with it nice and easy, as my bank and the authorities (including the police) never bothered to prosecute them properly.
This is my story and I am writing to you all, in tears of both sadness and hope. I am not finished with Jesus! I was sure He loved me, He gave me proof of His greatness in the past, but then suddenly it all stopped. Overnight! Literally!
One struggle after the other. Losses, losses, losses. Any money coming in, I struggle to keep and will always leak on the very same day to a pressing necessity coming up; one I had not foreseen.
What is this? A practical joke from the Universe, cast upon me for unknown reasons?? A close person even suggested I am having Bad karma or something, which I do not know how to process and even do not know if I even believe in karma in the first place. Am I condemned now?
Because nothing I do seems to work, ever, and usually turns against me anyway.
I got scared, angry, and I cursed, I felt life had ended for me. I felt myself holding back from Jesus' embrace. I tried everything, and I hope there are other souls around, my fellow Christians, who can believe me as I am saying E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. under the sun. with no luck. Always, unforeseen obstacles will emerge to destroy my plans, any plans. I have had enough of it, I am fed up and I feel sick and tired.
I do not know how this place works, exactly, but I trust on God's plan and on this wonderful community's contribution and Prayers to help me, in the continuation of my life!
PLEASE Pray for ### and my family to be healthy and strong, and, God allowing, to see this horrible chain of unfortunate events, finally break! To have the Karma neutralized, and Good Luck returning to our family! And to see better days financially, with some well-earned income finally coming in from my sincere, hard work rather than going out!
Thank you all from deep in my heart!!
With all my loving and gratitude,
I come before you in humility and with all my respect. I never thought I would join a group like this one, but I did.
In May 2016, I went to bed one night and almost did not wake up. The last thing I remember was the Ambulance carrying me to Emergency Care. In the hospital, I was later diagnosed with a Grade III brain tumor, and there started my fight against the horrible disease. I did it all, from chemotherapies to radiations to surgical removal in the end, which was successful, thank God! and had little to no impact on my motor skills, movement capability, or mental ability in general.
However, what DID change was my stamina and physical strength further along the way, which I consider to be the lesser harm that happened to me given the circumstances. But due to my strength and physical exhaustion, I suffer extensive periods of fatigue and sleepiness, sleep disorders and stress, and the occasional depression peaks - which I am fighting through therapy sessions and medications.
Further along the way, I discovered I have now lost some part of my peripheral vision on one side, which again is an aftereffect of chemo and surgery combined.
All these years since, I never gave up, I never quit on my family and little kid (now 10.y.o) and did all my best to secure a remote job, be it menial or whatever, even the simplest low-pay tasks online, to be able to contribute a handful of cents into the household.
Alas, no luck, ever since!! Not only did I lose my job, as a marketing consultant, despite my high qualifications with Master's degrees and 20-years of experience, but I also lost my faith in life, my hope, and my aspiration for something better coming my way!!
I prayed a lot in the beginning, asking God our Savior for some kind of relief, because financially in our family we are marginally near below average, and we do not own any assets, liquid or tangible, we live on rent and my wife has been attending to me and the little one, for so long, trying to also put the food on the table.
In the face of so many hardships, unemployment, living on 10 dollars or less a day, and losing my peer's appreciation, my income, and my daily professional routine, as I had been building it all my life (for better or worse).) I was shaken to my core!
I begged, made countless phone calls, asked for a job, sent my resume everywhere you could imagine, and even mobilized friends, family, and former associates to help me. ALL of which to no avail!!!
As if there was a curse on me or something. My faith in The Lord was tested and challenged so many times. I felt distress and risked a small amount of savings to a "promising" investment, but.... got ripped off!! Not once, twice!! I was only hoping for some improvement, nothing large really.
Yet, instead of profiting, I lost it all to scammers, who got away with it nice and easy, as my bank and the authorities (including the police) never bothered to prosecute them properly.
This is my story and I am writing to you all, in tears of both sadness and hope. I am not finished with Jesus! I was sure He loved me, He gave me proof of His greatness in the past, but then suddenly it all stopped. Overnight! Literally!
One struggle after the other. Losses, losses, losses. Any money coming in, I struggle to keep and will always leak on the very same day to a pressing necessity coming up; one I had not foreseen.
What is this? A practical joke from the Universe, cast upon me for unknown reasons?? A close person even suggested I am having Bad karma or something, which I do not know how to process and even do not know if I even believe in karma in the first place. Am I condemned now?
Because nothing I do seems to work, ever, and usually turns against me anyway.
I got scared, angry, and I cursed, I felt life had ended for me. I felt myself holding back from Jesus' embrace. I tried everything, and I hope there are other souls around, my fellow Christians, who can believe me as I am saying E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. under the sun. with no luck. Always, unforeseen obstacles will emerge to destroy my plans, any plans. I have had enough of it, I am fed up and I feel sick and tired.
I do not know how this place works, exactly, but I trust on God's plan and on this wonderful community's contribution and Prayers to help me, in the continuation of my life!
PLEASE Pray for ### and my family to be healthy and strong, and, God allowing, to see this horrible chain of unfortunate events, finally break! To have the Karma neutralized, and Good Luck returning to our family! And to see better days financially, with some well-earned income finally coming in from my sincere, hard work rather than going out!
Thank you all from deep in my heart!!
With all my loving and gratitude,