Beloved of All
Hello everyone, I have received notification for others whom are needing prayer right now, please bear with me as I am new at this, in the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ I stand in agreement with everyone who are suffering with health problems, whether they are sudden or are prolonged, I declare complete total miraculous healing from every manner of sickness, illness, and disease, every form of infection or viruses, first spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, physically and financially, that every cell every organ be washed clean with the precious blood of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, I speak out of my mouth the peace of God that passes all understanding be upon each precious soul, and the joy of the Lord inexpressible with the real hope of God that can never ever disappoint, I speak out abundance over every area of your lives, I declare that from now on you will be the head and not the tail, you will be above only and never beneath, you shall lend and not borrow and the Lord's greatest favor and richest blessings be upon you always, all in the name of our mighty Lord and God Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen and Amen, So be it, So it is.