The Woman
Prayer Warrior
Good morning Lord
I pray for us the chosen world leaders to believe that the economic development will only get better for us. I pray for our community to thrive and are nation to flourish. In your word you said Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, we are a nation of the people you have chosen as your own inheritance. So we thank You for providing for us. Thank You for being the source of our supply instead of the world. We thank You for taking care of us and supplying all of our needs from Your glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. We thank, You for creating the heavens and the earth and everything in it for us. We thank You for giving us breath and life to walk with you on this earth. We praise Your mighty deeds, You alone are just. And We praise You, Lord! As We pray we expect our prayers to be heard because we believe you do hear us! We pray for whoever will be the next president to honor Your Word and live by Your precepts. When and if they don’t Lord make them fall by their own word and we the chosen will not fear bad news; only expect the good because we have confidence and trust of the Lord, he it is that care for us. As We command light to shine in the darkness for us our children and grandkids will be fed and blessed and protected! In Jesus name. We decree the leaders of this world will be generous, compassionate, and righteous toward us who are the called. May Good remember us as we claim our inheritance of the wealthy! For us to help our communities. We stand confident and fearless and face anything triumphantly. Make our enemies our foot stools make them share freely and give generously to all who is in need. May are good deeds be remembered forever. May we have influence respect and honor when the world is going into excel! Lord, we expect You to pour down Your blessings upon our communities in our schools and our workplaces and in our bank accounts! May we all prosper so we will have food on our table without living paycheck to paycheck! May all nationalities yield its bountiful harvest. Thank you Father, in advance for the support. In Jesus name Amen