My only child, a son, and the product of a single mother environment where financial and other struggles were part of our daily lives for many years, is in his third year of college now. While I am very proud, I am very concerned. Up until he was around the age of 7, we were very active in church. At that time, a false prophet who became my now second ex husband, came into our lives and robbed us not only of our financial wealth, savings, and credit, but also led us astray from our Christian values as he was a Jehovah's Witness and did not follow that except for his own personal gain and with no regard to the well being of myself or my child. I want my son to have his desire for a connection with God reignited. I want him to want to seek a bond with the Lord and want to do the right things and not seek worldly comforts and distractions that are so glamorously advertised especially in college life. I am concerned that he may be drinking more than he should or he may have problems when he drinks, even if it is occasionally. I cannot bear the thought of watching him struggle with an addiction. His biological father and I both have had bouts with various substances (alcohol for me and cocaine and marijuana by his father). I pray that hereditary disposition for addiction will not be active in my child. I pray that a bond with the Lord will show itself to him soon and manifest itself such that His Light will shine brightly through my son and he can live in a righteous way and be content in this life and saved in the next...