The Woman
Prayer Warrior
Hello Father. I am here seeking understanding of my subconscious mind and conscious mind. I know my subconscious mind is not fully aware but it does influence my actions and feelings and my conscious mind helps me stay aware and respond to my surroundings. But I have a question. How can I make the two agree as one? Is it possible? Do my subconscious mind obey my conscious mind? If not, can it? Can both work together; being won by my good conversation? If so, I pray both become the hidden man of my heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit within me, which is in the sight of God of great price. May they both work together after this manner. To help me to trust in you even more, adorning me, to be in subjection unto both. Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: I to pray that my subconscious mind will be Lord over me; helping me to continue to do well, to not be afraid with any amazement. Likewise, I pray that my conscious mind will dwell with my subconscious mind according to knowledge, giving honour unto it, as unto the weaker vessel. I also pray the two will be heirs together of the grace of life; that my prayers be not hindered. Finally, Jesus help them both to be of one mind, having compassion one of another, loving as brethren, staying courteous: to help me to love my life, and see good days, and to refrain my tongue from evil, and my lips that they speak no guile: may I continue to eschew evil, and do good; and seek peace, and ensue it. Thank you Father for continuing to keep your eyes over me the righteous, and your ears open unto my prayers: Thank you that know one can harm me with mental damage! I am grateful to be followers of that which is good! And if I suffer for righteousness' sake, so be it. I am happy
I will not be afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But continue to sanctify the Lord God in my heartS: I ask to stay sanctified in my heart, brain, and gut ready always to give an answer to every man that ask for a reason of the hope that is in me with meekness and fear: May all who encounter me know that the hope that is in me comes from my GOOD conscience! Yes they speak evil of me, as of evildoers, but my God allows it so that they may be ashamed that falsely accuse my good conversation in Christ. And through it all I will not render evil for evil, or railing for railing: to keep contrariwise blessing coming my way; I know that I am called, to inherit a blessing from my Lord! Thank you Jesus! Amen