My prayer set the Holy Spirit would convict supernaturally so unbearably ### for every lie that he has told me from the time we were in ### from the time while we were married and the lies that he's telling his attorney the lies that he's telling people in the town every lie the holy spirit will hold him accountable remind him what happened to Ananias and suffice when they lied to the Holy Spirit and I plead the blood of Jesus over him and I pray for him Mercy to try him over judgment but that he will not repent God will deal with him as needed pray whatever it takes that he will see the evil of his ways and that he would see that I have nothing but Mercy towards him and forgiveness father I asked him plead this day that you would deliver him from any mental illness any narcissism and any form of pathological lying and that the spirit of God would arrest him stop him in his tracks and show him what he's doing show him who I really am and show the truth and let him not believe his own lies father I pray for mercy in Jesus name! But I do believe that me and my daughter will stay in this home this home belongs to you Lord this home has been dedicated to you this home is where we have church in the backyard the little church in the back this is where we minister to people this is where we worship day and night this is where we hold Bible studies prayer meetings worship services and revivals breaking out on our street I thank you Lord God for all that you have done and all you will continue to do in my family and father I pray that ### would become a new man that he would truly truly repent Lord and come clean in Jesus name amen and I pray you would give me favor with the attorneys and leave me to an attorney for I do not have one if I need to get one and also favor with his attorney ### and favor with judge ### and favor with anybody that's over this case I pray for a miracle Lord that I will stay in my home and nobody will get me out of this home because this is God's house in Jesus name