The Woman
Prayer Warrior
Father God I am longing to go back to my childhood ways. I still want to think like a child, imagine like a child, have an innocent conversation as a child, understand as a child, I no longer want to put away childish things? I want to play! I want to see my face in a glass, and imagine my face taking to my face: I want to know the other part of me; even as also I am known. I want to abide in faith, hope, and charity innocently! May that which was said to me; which was play time is over; no longer be over but attainable! May I know how to bring back my innocence through my imagination! May it never fail me again: Whether there be imaginations, or dreams may I become a BELIEVER again! May my imaginations bring me prophecy that has been communicated to me through my Spirit Man. May I no longer BELIEVE the lies of our forefathers! Whether there be imaginations, let them not cease; whether there be knowledge of fantasy may they not vanish away. May I continue believe all things, bear all things, may I continue to endure imaginary thoughts of hopeful things, while enduring and believing all things are possible. May I rejoice in the truth of imaginations! May I behave unseemly, while having fun; seeking my own, and don’t allow any easily provoke me. I will think of good things no evil! May my imaginations be long, and always kind; not envies not; vaunted my itself, and not puffed up. May I bestow all good imaginations like feeding the poor, I see myself helping those in need to profit themselves. May my imaginations have the gift of prophecy, to understand all mysteries, and all the knowledge; and faith, so that I could move mountains. May I speak with the tongues of angels! I like instruments and I would like to become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal! No longer bring empty are confusing inside! I will imagine myself as a wise woman endued with knowledge and wisdom and power! In my imaginations I will show out of a good conversation my works with meekness of wisdom. I will help each other follow after charity, to desire spiritual gifts! May I have so much play time I become childish inside my imaginations; so that I may prophesy, joy, laughter, happiness and play!
I see myself speaking unknown tongue I never spoke before!
I see myself speaking unto God: and understanding him; because in my imaginations I speak mysteries. I will bring edification, and exhortation, and comfort into my imaginations! I will even edify myself! As a child in my fantasy world I will prophecy and edify the church. I will make them all speak with tongues and prophecy: I see us all greater and interpreting, that we all may receive edifying! I will make all bow down to the King of kings! Then I see revelation, by the Holy Ghost!
I see us all giving a distinction sound. With pipes or harp from our own voices, sounding like trumpets! I see us all speaking one to another within our minds; but only with words of encouragement, grace and wisdom! We shall all know the meaning of the voice; our Lord! I see us all zealous of spiritual gifts, full of imaginations. Seek play time that we may excel. We will pray with the spirit and we will pray with our imagination! We will sing with the spirit, and we will sing with the understanding also. We will sing with the spirit, and we will sing with our imagination also. We all will have healing hands blessings of the spirit. Amen We will all give thanks. WE ALL WILL BELIEVE. THERE WILL BE NO JUDGEMENT: Everyone secrets of his heart will be made manifest; and so falling down on their face they will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth! Everyone will have a psalm, of revelation! In my imaginations; the word WOMEN will mean: womb man" (man meaning “human” or “person. And the word CHURCHES will mean: THE CALLED OUT ONES. So if anyone say: Let your women keep silent IN THE CHURCHES they will BELIEVE it is a PERSON AND THE CALLED! In my world we believers are the ones dedicated to the Lord. And if anyone say: If they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: IN MY FANTASY HUSBAND means MASTER OF A HOUSE. Our MASTER IS THE MIND OF CHRIST! AND IF ANY MAN THINK HIMSELF TO BE a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write IN MY WORLD unto you are the commandments of ME. AND if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. Wherefore, brethren, IN MY WORLD All things be done decently and in order.HA!