message from the Holy Spirit for the church.
this is my comment on the video - HalleluYah!!
Thank you King Yashaya for confirmation and thank you sister for being the pure vessel to bring this beautiful encouraging message. I first heard the trumpet
when I hit puberty and was guided to make a video about trumpets and that the prophised war is coming very soon to America. Some have been saying when the bombs come down we go up. Exciting but perilous times. Remember what our sister just quoted He is coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle. Keep the laws statues and commandments like He and the early church did. But remember what saved us and puts His righteousness into us in His precious blood sacrifice. Saved by grace through faith
Blessings fam
just made a video on Psalm 77 God of Comfort to encourage those not ready and my response to this sister's video and general musing. it is uploading on my channel you can get to it by my comment on this girl's video whose link is above. Blessings everyone. Shalom.
this is my comment on the video - HalleluYah!!

Blessings fam

just made a video on Psalm 77 God of Comfort to encourage those not ready and my response to this sister's video and general musing. it is uploading on my channel you can get to it by my comment on this girl's video whose link is above. Blessings everyone. Shalom.