Prayer Warrior
I ask for continued Prayers for my middle ear infection to heal. I am sorry to say that my dog Cocoa did not make it. Now I come to that point of knowing my deep prayers and the prayers of others were not answered the way I wished, hoped and prayed. Many times when this happens, people get discouraged, people begin to doubt God, to doubt Prayer. Their faith gets weak. Well I am here to tell you, my faith is NOT getting weak, I admit I am disappointed. But I know that God does not make bad things happen. He helps us through them and sometimes what we want is not Gods will. I have my reasons for believing why God choose to take my dog to heaven. and I have to accept that and not let bad thoughts come in or start to doubt. I know the Lord knows best, and I know he understands why I am crying for 2 days straight, and deeply sad and empty inside. I think He hurts when we hurt. I know Jesus hurts when we hurt. and I do have to say, I trust Jesus with my two loving dogs who passed away 3 weeks from one another. I know they are there, in the place the Lord takes the animals souls, I believe all animals, pets that have been loved. do have a soul and will go be with God. Heaven I feel would not be the most wonderful place, if animals were not there, and God created these animals, especially pets, for US. I pray and believe I will see my loved pets again, as that is the thing that would make me happiest of course aside from seeing Jesus and family. I have now learned that many people here are very uncomfortable, when it comes to prayers not answered, as I posted my last request for advice, about my dog dying, not one person here gave me any advice ….. not one. I do appreciate the 5 people that answered saying they are praying. A little disappointed in that? yes. I am human, of course that really hurt me. and Part of me can understand that some people know not what to say in life or death situations, and when Prayer is not answered. But wow did that make me feel alone. I am glad I know the Lord enough to have ask Him to intervene and let me know what to do. and He did. He has also been comforting me through this. May God bless everyone who has had a loss, and I pray that more people can and WILL reach out and talk to someone when they are in dire need, Even if it's just to say, ask God to instruct you and I am sorry your going through this. In Jesus name. Amen.