Faithful Servant
Hi everybody hi everybody can you pray for this to not happen or to come through or to happen in any form or way possible please pray for deletions and cancellations on the dreams I had dreams last night even right before I woke up the dream did not continue cuz I got woke up at that time where the dreams was about these older ladies of gray hair like I went into a caregiving company and stuff another one and this group of gray hair people from my old workshop Janus and other ones that I don't know where they come from was trying to control me in my friends and getting smart with me and and not be with me I'm saying you did that and and I had drinks her neighbors came down and did that too I bet yeah I've been having dreams for females get smart with me and control me and my friends and my friends gets distancing far for me and stuff and I want to see them for good I just pray to God for that not to happen and hope for the none of that to happen that I've been having those dreams lately about weird ladies that I don't even know or know where they're from prayers