Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my sons and daughters life, my brothers and sisters life, my relatives and friends life. God, I pray for Israel and all Israel’s people. God, I pray for America and all her people. God, I pray for our President, yes, I even pray for ### to make the costs of living at a decent rate, people can afford food, pay their bills, have a little money left over to save for a rainy day. God, Thank you! God, I pray for President ###, when he gets in office, I pray for the safety of our country and all our people, please. God, Thank you! God, I pray for me and my sons and daughters, ###, was drunk again last night, telling one lie after another, why does he tell lies unless it’s his family members, I pray, he’s feeding himself the lies instead, and he’ll regret it in the end, I don’t have to tell lies like he does, I speak the truth as my father and mother and Jesus taught me, please. God, I also pray, after ### leaves, my home and property will be restored to good health, please. God, I also, pray my ex step sister. the jewels she stole from my mother’s heart, I pray what ### did be erased and the truth restored in my mother’s heart please. God, I pray I don’t have to show or give if I don’t want to. God, I pray I can be greedy like them, when I give, they leave lies and cruelty, so, I’m just gonna keep the good you made for me. God, How much longer do I have to be here with ### and his lies, he said, last night, he’s letting our home and property being ruined on purpose, because I reject his older children, he said, they love me, and it’s a lie, I told him, I don’t want anything to do with his other family. God, I’m tired of ### trying to keep me up at night by his anger, drunkness, and because of the lies he tells, when is he gonna stay up and not bother me or my sons and daughters, I think it should be soon. God, ### told me and our children, he was leaving, but, he’s sending them money to pay the bills, I pray he sends me the money too. God, ### said, last night, he respects his parents, I said, why don’t you respect me and I’m the mother of your children, he kept his mouth shut, like always, because he likes trying to hurt and tell lies to me and our children, and he’s wrong to do so. God, He tries to take my children away from me, and I pray he fails at it all the time. God, If ### puts his hands on me again, he’s gonna be gone and I’m gonna tell the judge I don’t want him in our home anymore, he needs to be taught a lesson, does God punish all of us when we do wrong, so, ### too should be punished, and I pray I get the homes and property and custody of our 2 children, and restore it to good health, because he’s ridiculous. God, My ex step sister, used to get mad at what I chose, because my mother let me choose something sometimes for my birthday, etc., and she’d say, it’s her turn, even though, it’s mine, it’s my life, her daddy let her choose, and she never shared, with no one, I pray she not have any turns in my life or my sons and daughters life because it’s not her life, it was given to me and my sons and daughters by Thy Lord God Jesus Christ. God, I do pray after I pass away, I am reunited with the real Lord God Jesus Christ, Yahweh and Yeshua with all our people gathered in peace, joy, and laughter. God, ### is dating a girl named, ###, I’m happy for him, I just miss him as a friend, she gets mad at him if he talks with me, I pray he will still speak with me please. God, Me and ### became friends, he was in a dark place, I was in a dark place, his ex broke up with him, and my husband is abusive, a liar and cruel, he accuses me of murder, stealing his money, which I haven’t, he blames me for what he’s made of, and it’s wrong, and mine and ### conversations, helped one another out. God, Thank you! God, I pray for all on this prayer group. God, In the name of Jesus. Amen