Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my son’s and daughter’s life, my children’s life, my brother’s and sister’s life always. God, Thank you! God, I am thankful for my mother and father in my life. God, Thank you for the people you have brought in my life, I am verily thankful for all of them. God, Thank you! God, I am so thankful, I was raised by a kind loving family, who raised on your true and holy word, discipline, and taught me to work hard. God, I pray for my left side, I have a cyst, I get cysts sometimes in different places, so, I pray that it will go away and go back to normal, please. Jesus, I pray for you, I have loved you since I was a little child. Jesus, Thank you! God, I pray for all everywhere to have a great day and evening and night. God, My eyes seem to water for no reason, I pray the extra water in my eyes will stop leaking, and return to normal, please. God, I pray for those on this website. God, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen