Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my sons and daughters life, my brothers and sisters life, all my relatives life, my friends life always. God, Thank you! God, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel always. God, I pray for Duane, he’s so rude to me sometimes, I was gonna post a pic I took years ago of him and our Moma, and he was rude saying don’t post my pic on TikTok with all your stuff. God, No, I didn’t post the pic I took of lifting him and our moma up, now he needs something, as usual. God, I don’t understand him, I love him, and so I pray. God, I pray for my friendship and relationship with you. God, I pray for our President, they say it was a rigged vote, I’m not sure, but, if it was, I pray for those who follow Trump who are bashing on Biden, because it’s suppose to be Trumps place. God, I pray for a Godly President this year to be voted in The White House, so, your work will be done, for the people by the people a servant into you, please. God, I pray for mine enemies, may they recieve what they send, please. God, I do pray for me and giving to mine enemies, I pray to treat them as I do myself, for my name sake, please. God, I do pray for Jesus, I love him verily verily much. God, You are so good and kind to me always. God, We are so good and kind to Jesus always. God, I know you trusts me on what I say and what I do because I have proven myself over and over again, and I am thankful to have the most wonderful father ever. God, I do pray for the politicians, why must they lie, I pray they speak the truth, and do right not only for there sake but ours also. God, I pray for the storm coming in, I pray it will be just rain and thunder, please. God, I pray for those on here. God, I love thee. God, I do pray for truth, mercy, love, wisdom, and peace with you and our people, please, with a light that shines always, and we are in peace and laughing, and enjoying one another’s company. God, Please forgive me all the sins committed, tans I pray I can forgive those who sinned against me. God, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen