Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my son’s and daughter’s life, my children’s life, my brother’s and sister’s life, those who trust and believe in our Lord God Jesus Christ life always. God, Thank you! God, I pray for wisdom, knowledge, truth, love, mercy, laughter, fresh food, fresh water, your true and holy word, peace with you The Lord God Jesus Christ always. God, I come to you today praying for Israel and America, as you know, Israel and America come from the same God, whom we love and worship with all our mind, all our heart and all our soul, and I ask and pray and need your help against the war that is going on in Israel and what is yet to come for America, it is gonna get worse until the enemy realizes, you stand up for all your people, and protect us and care for us, you provide us with food, fresh water, keeps us sane while reading your true and holy word, you guide us through the darkest of nights and leads us to your heavenly light, you make us smile for what is right, you keep our bills paid and so much more. God, I pray all the unclean spirits and devils be removed from me and all of my people, always please. God, I pray your true and holy word will overcome all who loves you and all who truly believes you. God, I pray for Israel people to have there freedom, in Israel, to pray as they like, to speak your holy and true word as you say, to be like the true American’s here, who believe and serve you always. God, I do pray to remove all other gods from me and my people, and, for me and my people to wear the full armor of God always; God, because they do not worship the one true father/God. God, I pray for Israel and America’s allies, I pray you watch over them also. God, Something, I never understood, our enemies come here to America, and Israel, and study from us, and likes our money, and whatever else you have given and blessed us with, because America and Israel has your good, and our money has In God We Trust, and say that America and Israel are the evil ones, yet, they are wanting to remove you from our life, because we love you and trust in you and I disagree with our enemies, I think they are the evil ones. God, I also pray I can forgive my enemies. God, I pray for those on here. God, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen
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