Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my sons and daughters life, my brothers and sisters life, and those who believe and follow you life, always. God, Thank you! God, This morning, my cousin, Josh, was in an accident, he can’t remember what happened, but, a tool box, came through his truck, and gashed open his head, I am so thankful, you were there to watch over him, and keep him alive. God, Thank you. God, I pray he will be able to heal, as quickly as possible. God, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem always. God, I am thankful for you and the good you bring in my life. God, I am thankful, you watch over me, and those who believe in you. God, Thank you. God, I pray to become close friends with a certain person on my game, I play on; God, I pray we can become friends, not cheat, just friends, and I’d like to learn more about the game through this certain person, please, because he’s matured than most of the others in our game, and I pray he will message me on my game, and we keep a good, funny, learning, conversation clean, and new everyday, please. God, Just as friends, please. God, I pray in the name of Jesus! Amen
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