Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my childrens life, my sons and my daughters life, my brothers and sisters life alway. God, Thank you. God, I ask and pray for forgiveness for all I have done wrong. God, Thank you for forgiving me alway. God, I pray for Yeshua light to continue to shine for me and all who he shines for, please. God, I ask and pray you help me against mine enemies please. Jesus, I pray for Israel alway. God, I try so hard to help myself, so, you will help me. God, Even when I pray, I pray with my mind, my heart and my soul to you, to keep me and mine safe with you alway. God, I love thee verily much. Yeshua, I believe every word in the Bible, and I know your Gods son, and you were raised from the dead to everlasting life. God, I pray for my friendship and relationship with you alway, I pray me and mine will be with you even after our life in this world. Yeshua, I pray for true repentance. Yeshua, I pray for all I know, everyone I know says they love and care about you, even, myself, love and care about you. Yeshua, I pray me and my sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, accepts you in our life alway. Jesus, I pray for an old friend of mine, James, we were in art class growing up. Jesus, He still hasnβt found the right woman for him. Jesus, Him and I are just friends. Yeshua, I pray you will like and love being with me, and not others, if they try to steal you away from me, even though, I know they canβt steal you from me, you will alway be with me. Jesus, I pray you will lead him to where he will find true love, please. Jesus, He said, prayer donβt work for him, but, I am praying for him, and I pray you hear my prayers. God, I pray the Euphrates River, will be rained on, I pray not to let them out. Jesus, Thank you! God, I pray in the name of Yeshua. Amen
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