Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my childrens life, my brothers and sisters life alway. God, Thank you! Jesus, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem alway. Jesus, I am in a game with a group of people, I’d like to pray for my leaders, 2-daughters, they are both very young with diabetes, 3 & 11 year olds and it’s hard on them, I pray they will grow out of diabetes and become normal without taking meds no more. Jesus, I pray for Slay, she is a playmate of mine in my game, her daughter had both of her kidneys removed because of cancer, I pray she will be able to find a match for a kidney or both kidneys, because it’s hard on her too. God, The things I do not know, I ask and pray for wisdom, knowledge, truth, love, mercy and peace alway. Jesus, I ask and pray for I do not know, that I lack nothing, I pray for wisdom and understanding, to know what I don’t know, please, real and true love from someone who does truly love me and care for me, and they tell me, truth, even if it hurts my feelings, I know you will alway walk me through it, have mercy and forgive everyone, so, that my son be forgiven and I sin no more, and walks in peace, on Earth as it is in Heaven, the lost worlds, and even in the bad place, please, I pray I am a child of God, and does good alway. Jesus, B.J., is putting in a job application with the road department in 2 weeks, someone came in the store, and recommended him to come speak with his supervisor, he is expecting him to come in 2 weeks. Jesus, I pray B.J., gets the job, and he makes 15 an hour when he starts work, please. Jesus, I pray for M, he needs to hire 2 people, so, can you please send him 2 people, so, he can have a job, please. Jesus, I pray for Mail, she has RSV, and she’s had a high fever, that has been dangerous, I pray her fever will break, and she will start to feel better tonight. Jesus, I pray for SD.m, her and her husband have been trying to have children for 20 years, the medicine he is on, and she has an ovarian disease, I pray you will work a miracle, soon, and they conceive a child, please. Jesus, I pray for my job, I pray I am healthy, and I work hard please. Jesus, I pray for Grace, she is going with some of her classmates, next Friday, she is in a completion for the state, I pray they get their safe and back home safe, I pray they win their competition, and they are proud because they study hard and they remember the answers to all the questions please. God, I pray for those on this prayer group, you answer their prayers, please. God, I pray in the name of Jesus! Amen