Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the holy spirit in my life, my childrens (sons and daughers) life, my brotherd and sisters life, and my hellyans life alway. God, Thank you. Jesus, I pray for the peace of Jerasalem alway. God, I pray for Austin, i pray he will work everyday, and is happy and glad and do good. God, Austin has roommates, one of the roommates has been doing there part of his chores and ita getting the other roommates mad, i pray they will all do there chores everyday as they are suppose to. God, Thank you for getting B.J., a job, he likes the peoole he works with, i prat he works hard evwryday and does what hes suppose to do and gets alongf good with everyone. God, I pray for Grace, i pray she keeps her grades pucked up to A’s and B’s where she can keep playing volleyball, and i pray she has many friends who likes her, i pray she does good. God, I pray for Evan, i pray he keeps his grades pucked uo ti A’s and B’s, and does good and makes many new friends who likes him, and he does good. God, i pray gas prices and the cost of food will come down. God, I pray the people will get back out and start working again. God, I pray crime rates drop tremendously in America. God, I pray me and my children will alway be cared for. Jesus, I pray for those I love and care about alway. Jesus, I pray for wisdom, knowledge, truth, love, mercy, peace alway, to laugh and smile and love. Jesus, I pray I can be a good mother to my children alway. God, I pray for those in this prayer group. God, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen