Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life alway. God, I pray for those I know, when I pray for them, I also pray they will stay with me, and we keep being friends, and I can talk with them. Jesus, When I pray for others, I pray there prayers will be answered and we are still friends and we still talk, this is for all of the people and folks I have prayed for. God, I pray for your protection every second of my life, and I pray that after I am gone, i pray I am with those I know, prayed for and spoken with and love and we are in your house and we are free to love and we are glad and we rejoice together, we talk and laugh and listen to others alway. God, I pray for the people and folks I have prayed for in the past after I prayed for them they will come back to me, we are good and close friends. God, Imm not angry at you, I am heartbroken a little, those I do care about I do pray for just as those I don’t know I pray for and those who don’t like me, I still pray for, I pray those who I have known and prayed for you will bring them back in my life, please, All I have prayed for! Jesus, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem alway, and I pray you and your people are obedient to Gods word, just as I am obedient to Gods word, please. God, I pray you come into our President and heal our land and our people, please. God. I pray America will be able to stand and grow strong and keep up with our bills and responsibilities please. God, I pray we protect what is ours, alway, and we can claim victory in you and your sons holy name alway. God, I pray for the gas prices to go down so, that we will be able to afford to pay our bills and take care of our responsibilities. Jesus, I pray for those on here, I pray there prayers are answered. Jesus, I ask and pray my prayers are answered. Jesus, Graces boyfriend Kody broke up with her, and I pray Grace is alright and will be lifted up and overcome this storm in her life and move on to where she is truly happy and what you have made for her. Jesus, I also pray for Kody, he did love her, it’s just he said her problems stressed him out, and he couldn’t handle them. God, Austin and B.J. moved out of our home and into the home of there best grinned to help him take care of everything. Jesus, I told them I will be going to spend the night over sometimes. Jesus, I love them verily much. God, I love you verily much. Jesus, I love you verily much. Holy Spirit, How am I suppose to be with you, I pray I am everything you need me to be in you, where I can love thee too, and me alway be truthful. God, I pray for Evan, I pray he will mature a little more and starts to socialize a little more. God, I pray for all every where. Jesus, I pray to be on Gods word every second and do good alway, no matter what I am going through, just as I pray the same for everyone else. God, If I am forgetting to karat about something or someone, forgive me, and answer there prayer if it is good, and you can use it for your glory. God, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen