Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. God, Thank you for the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit in my life, my childrens life, and my brothers and sisters life. God, I pray for those on here. Jesus, Me and my stepson, Justin, got into an argument today. He came over pricing his feet up in the things I have purchased and I told him he needs to put his feet down because it’s starting to break. He said, oh, I didn’t do nothing to you for you tell me that. I said, I just told you to put your feet down because it’s starting to break. Then, he gets an attitude. I told him he don’t have to get rude. He said, this is my dads place not yours, I said, for your information half of everything here is mine, my cousin, is the person who set me up on renting to own this home and property, not, Carl, but, because I am married to Carl, is why he lives here with us, he is rude, he lies, he tries to make it out like I am the bad person, and I’m not. Jesus, Half of the property and home was put in my maiden name. I told Just it’s not just your dads, then he started running his mouth, when his dad pulled up. I just walked away, I said the truth, no need in listening to him say anything else. Then, his dad says what are y’all arguing? Jesus, My husband, Carl, and his son, Justin needs to get their facts right, because I own half of everything. Jesus, I have told Carl, if he’s going to be here, then he can pay all the bills. Jesus, I already don’t won’t his children over, because Justin is a bad person. And Carl, ain’t no different. Jesus, I know I am a bad person, but, I pray I’m not, but, I can be good and do good. Jesus, Carl has called me so many ugly names, and then he accuses me. Jesus, I am none of those things he says. Jesus, I pray to keep my mind and focus on you and your holy word, instead of Carl or any of those who don’t like me. Jesus, I pray our house next door will be fixed so we can move in. Jesus, I pray I will alway own this property where I live at and keep it in my family, so, my children will alway have some where to live. Jesus, I enjoy looking at the talents of art the people have. Jesus, I pray I can draw good and paint good, please. Jesus, I pray for Israel and America alway. Jesus, I pray for my hair to grow long and strong and healthy. Jesus, I pray for the people of Israel. God, I pray for Jesus alway, he can hear you and me and he can alway keep his ways. Jesus, I pray to use my head and all the words in my head over and over again. Jesus, I pray to sin no more. God, I pray for my friendship and relationship with you. God, I pray. Amen