Good and Faithful Servant
God, Thank you for this day. It is a wonderful day to praise God. Thank you. Jesus, I do have a few problems with my husband, Carl, and he knows. Jesus, My husband, Carl, lies, he says he use to drink goats milk when he was a baby, he is lying, I asked his mother about it, and she said, no, he drank baby milk from a can. Jesus, If I had known Carl who Carl is, I wouldn’t have gotten with him. Jesus, I am a truthful woman, I fear The Lord God, and I speak the truth, I love God the father and I love Jesus the son. Jesus, I do pray to keep my eyes and mind focused on you. Jesus, There are many prayers I pray. God, I love how you color the sky, it is so beautiful. Jesus, My Aunt took a picture and shared the picture she took on Facebook for all of her friends and family to see. God, You color our world so beautiful. Jesus, I have a few things, I need to paint, they are wooden pieces I need to paint and let dry and hang up on the walls. Jesus, I pray I can read The Holy Bible more, and think positive and glad thoughts and have faith and believe positive and glad thoughts, and see and picture good tidings happening, for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and me and those who believe in you. Jesus, My husband said he confessed his sins to God, I’m not sure what God does with the sins. Jesus, I just pray all of my sins are forgiven and I sin no more, but, I stay on my best behavior and behave and do good, and mind my manners, pray, and be myself whom God made me, and lift others up with us, and include others in so they will know your love and know your fathers love. God, Someday when I am with you in the heavens, I will make the most beautiful eat things for you, kind and true and caring and loving, hugs and kisses, laughing, talking, everyday, and night and in our sleep, we will laugh, and include Jesus, the Holy Spirit and our family and friends and relatives and children, brothers and sisters. Jesus, I pray for my stepson, Justin, I am so tired of his stealing, he stole my vape pen, he is lazy, he don’t won’t to get up and go to work, he lays around all day and not do nothing. My stepson, Tyler Carl, my husband loves the most, he has favorites, he is his first son, and l don’t know why Carl has his favorites. Jesus, I love all of my children the same, just different time they were born, but, the love is the same. God, Thank you for my children. Jesus, Thank you for my children. Jesus, I need to get out of the house more and socialize with Wanda. Jesus, Carl has done work for many people here, so, he is trying to brainwash others, like his mother did to him, so, I pray for them. God, I pray your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Jesus, I feel like I am a lost soul, because I try to keep focused on you and the will of your father, I pray I can keep up with y’all, because I love y’all and I want to be with y’all and those I love alway even after to live with y’all and be with y’all alway. Jesus, I pray to learn the Torah, and study it, and still learn Aramaic, the language of God and Yeshua, it’ll make me feel closer to y’all. God, I pray we can get our taxes finished and we can get money back from doing our taxes, please. God, I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen