God, I pray for America's government, I pray the rich should bank here in America instead of getting free tax cuts in another country, they should have to pay just like everyone else, consdiering they are American people too, the same rules should apply for them, and so much money isnt counted for because they dont have to pay taxes when they bank in another country, but they spend their money here, and I think they should have to bank here and pay taxes on their money like we have to. Yahweh, I pray these prayers are answered and all money is counted for. Our country is kinda corrupt because of the rich people, and the government, they try to do everything to get out of paying taxes and its wrong, why try and lead a nation away from God, its wrong, God created us, not the rich or the government, just because its what they do, don't mean we have to, we love God, we fear God, and we try to do right by and under God, its our government trying to steer us wrong, and they should be prayed upon and for to do right always. God, In Jesus' name, I pray yhese prayers are answered. Yahweh, In Jesus' name, I pray, these prayers are answered. Amen
I prayed for this. In Jesus Name. Amen
I prayed for this. In Jesus Name. Amen