God, and Yahweh, I pray for wisdom, truth, love, sleep, and peace, and knowledge. God, and Yahweh, I love you very much and I want to thank you for hearing my prayers and answering my prayers. God, and Yahweh, I pray for my relationship and my friendship with God, Yahweh, I pray we grow closer together, and and are caring of and for one another. God, and Yahweh, I pray for the 2 children I babysit, Annie and Drew, I pray I can teach them their alaphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, read, and do arts and crafts together, I have been trying to teach them, they are learning very slowly, I pray we pick up the pace a little bit. God, and Yahweh, I pray for Austin, B.J., Evan, Grace, Isaiah, Jacob, I pray they have the best in life. God, and Yahweh, I pray for Tiffany and Cody, I pray their relationship is meant to be together, they are happy and satisfied with each other. God, and Yahweh, I pray for all of the people in this prayer group, you answer their prayers. God, and Yahweh, I pray I can overtake my enemies and love myself and those I love and care about, and love all. God, and Yahweh, I ask and pray for a few silent prayer request. God, and Yahweh, I pray for Carl, he has bad heartburn, and he has a drinking problem, he quit drinking but started back, when he drinks, he gets violent, and loud, and me and the children here dont wont to listen to him, we try to ignore him, avoid him, move the other way from him, so I ask for yall to pray with me for Carl, he syops drinking alcohol completely. God, and Yahweh, I pray for my mother, I pray she will find her a job, soon. God, and Yahweh, I pray all has A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. God, and Yahweh, I pray for me to drop the fake act from me and pick up my real self, more people will like and love the real me. God, and Yahweh, In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen
God, and Yahweh, I ask and pray you answer my prayers. I prayed for this. In Jesus Name. Amen
God, and Yahweh, I ask and pray you answer my prayers. I prayed for this. In Jesus Name. Amen