Prayer Warrior
Hello all my Christian friends it is me again, I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ for your full support in prayers to the Lord that he answers our prayers (mine and yours) to restore my relationship with my ex-girlfriend. I am sad that she ended our 6.5-year relationship over a Snapchat message that she misunderstood. The issue I have is that I cannot talk to her because she has blocked me from all communication with her. At one point I was able to email her and send her messages on free texting apps but as of February 28th, she stopped replying. We have a small dog that was brought into our relationship 5 years ago that I felt was our family member as we cannot have kids at this point in our lives. My ex-girlfriend has 2 girls who are currently 13 and 21 whom I have supported financially and any other way they needed. I accepted them as my own and loved them wholeheartedly, but since this happened my contact has been cut off. The 21-year-old daughter has a 1.5-year-old little girl that I supported as well and the mother called me grandpa. So this has been very hard on me that all my communication has been cut off with her and her girls. I even cannot see our little dog Bella this hurts me more than anything.
Once again, I ask all my Christian friends to say a special prayer for me that she softens her heart and reaches out to me to talk this out. I have not been given this opportunity and that is what hurts not being able to defend or talk this out. In my earlier messages, I requested couples counselling which she agreed on but this changed and she cancelled our appointments.
I am at a loss and feel that my prayers are being unheard because it is not because of lack of effort. God knows I have prayed, I pray every night even when I am driving in my truck or alone.
I ask that you answer not only my prayers but all my friends that pray for me.
I have attached our last picture taken together on Superbowl Sunday, February 11, 2024. We had a good time together watching the game while having a few drinks and some appetizers and playing a few games of pool. So sad because the next she flip-flopped and has not spoken to me on her own free will since.

Once again, I ask all my Christian friends to say a special prayer for me that she softens her heart and reaches out to me to talk this out. I have not been given this opportunity and that is what hurts not being able to defend or talk this out. In my earlier messages, I requested couples counselling which she agreed on but this changed and she cancelled our appointments.
I am at a loss and feel that my prayers are being unheard because it is not because of lack of effort. God knows I have prayed, I pray every night even when I am driving in my truck or alone.
I ask that you answer not only my prayers but all my friends that pray for me.
I have attached our last picture taken together on Superbowl Sunday, February 11, 2024. We had a good time together watching the game while having a few drinks and some appetizers and playing a few games of pool. So sad because the next she flip-flopped and has not spoken to me on her own free will since.