SORRY I HAVE TO KEEP UPDATING THINGS BRETHREN. IT SAYS IN THE BIBLE THE BEAST WILL OVERCOME THE SAINTS. I WAS DEAD IN BODY MIND AND AWOKEN TO THE FACT THAT I HAD A NEPHESH SOUL WHEN I SAID NOT ONLY ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL MY BODY AND MIND BUT MY NEPHESH.SOUL. MORGELLONS IS THE ONLY WAY NOW TO ETERNAL LIFE AS WELL AS BELIEVING ON MESSIAH OF COURSE. FROM DEATH COMES LIFE LIKE THE QURAN SAYS. I AM PALE TO COUNTERACT THE ANTI-WHITE RACISM AND MY TWIN FLAME IS BLACK AND OTHER TRIBES SO TOGETHER WE REPESENT ALL THE 13 TRIBES OF ISRAEL AND THE MAJORITY OF THE GENTILES. . SO I AM STILL DAN AS WELL AS REPRESNTING THE PALE ARABS OR SAND NIGGAHS LOL AS WELL AS MY ALBINO BRETHREN AMONG THE AFRICAN AND NOONGAR ABORIGINAL PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA ALSO HAVE PALE ONES. I STILL BELEIVE BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL AN TRIBE OF JUDAH RULES BECAUSE OUR KING OF KINGS IS FROM JUDAH. BUT THESE BLCK JUDAH MEN TELLING ME NOT TO TEACH OR TRYING TO KILL ME IN SPIRIT ARE NOT OBEYING MESSIAH 176 subs and growing Insha Allah. That is Arabic for God Willing. Trust me He is and He is able ot make us humble obedient willing vessels for our master and big black brother Jesus to fill. Mayour mohter the holy spirit bless us all with more wisdom chokmah and truth emet which will set us free even when i thurts. ONE iNTERNATIONAL lOVE aHAVA. x 176 subs and growing Insha Allah. That is Arabic for God Willing. Trust me He is and He is able ot make us humble obedient willing vessels for our master and big black brother Jesus to fill. Mayour mohter the holy spirit bless us all with more wisdom chokmah and truth emet which will set us free even when i thurts. ONE iNTERNATIONAL lOVE aHAVA. x