' Prayers Peaces ... For ALL GOD ' s Peoples ... OVER ALL D EARTH ... '
Father We thank U for this Blessed Deep Deep Deep Holiness Peaces in Jesus Name.. We continues claim this Deep Deep Deep Peaces & Blessed Sweet Beautiful Silent Holiness of Christs ..to continues Floods SweepsOver Surrounds Sink Seeps SOAKSs Deeply unto US ALL YR Peoples &All Our LovesOnes into Our MostInner Depths.. Hearts Souls Mind Spirits Body Emotions. Let this Anointings Holiness of Peaces continues Flows ETERNALLY 24/7 All DAYs NiTes All AROUND &Thru ’ & Upons US All US All in Jesus - All Days of Our Lives.. &All Days aheads in Jesus Name.. Let this Anointings Peaces never Ceased to Flows in Jesus Name.. Oozes Drips Sprinkles Upons US All - Upons All Our Habitats .. Our Homes Our Workplaces, Our Churches Places of Worships.. of Fellowships of Gatherings in Jesus Name.. Wherever yr Peoples Gathers or Step Foots Upon..In All Places We Goes . Peoples We Encounters In All Our Incomings Outgoings.. May YR Anointings Oils of Holiness. Peaces. Never Ceased.. continues Flows..Oozes from OurBeings..InnerMost Depths to All Places Peoples... to Ends of D Earths in Jesus Name & All Days aheads in Jesus Name.. Let This Anointings Peaces.. Fills US All Deeply.. Touchs US.. Heals US ..Let US All be Yr Vessels of Carriers of Yr Healings Transformations .. toEnds of D Earths in Jesus Name.. Thank U Lord.. Thank U Jesus in Jesus Name.. Let Oils o Holiness BurnsBlazes Shines Deeply In Thru US All in Jesus Name.. Spreads Forth Yr Brilliance to Ends of D Earths in Jesus Name.. Beam thru US All in Jesus Name.. That All Darkness Shattered Flushed Off & Seals & ShutsAways Forever in Jesus Name in Jesus Name .. LET YR Precious Peoples & All Our LovesOnes Fills Submerges with YR Anointings Holiness LIGHTS UP & RadiateS ShineS YR Brilliance ALL AROUND till Ends of D Earths in Jesus Name ..tt CUTS PIERCEs ALL Darkness Shattered Shreds to Pieces Flushed Off & Seals & ShutsAways Forever in Jesus Name . . ALL Amazed & Stand in AWE of U Jesus tt They See YR Precious Peoples as Light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden -Matt 5:14