Prayer Partner
Abba father, I need you help, I need you to repair this marriage, restore peace, hope, love, companionship, and mutual respect. I need these trials to end and my wife to return home. I need forgiveness as I repent for my sins against you. I ask for mercy and grace in the process of restoring this marriage to benefit the Kingdom, this strife and division has gone on long enough, please perform a miracle for me immediately, everyday it becomes more difficult to push through and accept this separation. Lord please let it be your will that we are transformed in your image and serve you whole heartedly to best benefit our family togetherness. These children are suffering everyday at the hands of this separation and impending divorce. Please do what is necessary to draw us to you to see the truth. Holy Spirit fall upon us in conviction, and help us see the err of our ways. I pray that soon eyes are opened and ears start to hear the truth of your word. Please bind any attacks and any spirits that do not mean well for the kingdom, protect us and purify us so we can serve and be joyful servants to your will. Thankyou for all you have already done, and please continue your blessings and mercy. Amen