Beloved of All
Praise report: thank youLord for healign my jaw and teeth and lignment specificayl in prayer and thnaky ou for all prayer warriers. pelase Lord heal my dad heart valve pelase heal hisheart so it works properly pelase brign salvtion to him and dleive rhim form homelessnes. pleas ehal my mosm brian so she has noy mroe alexythimia adn also can recognize the proper emotions tones and itnentions of of people pleas ehal her stress triggers messy home and also deep voice. please giv em more wisodm voncenrign this and also Bs triggery ( messiness makign him ill. please Lor dhela him and my brothe rif they have asperger syndorm. pelas ehal my da dna me emoionally. pelas ehal my fmaiyl emoitnalyl emtnally phsciyally meabolic acidosis uric acid and blood diseases adn diabetes insulinr esistance and diabetes insipidus eb remove dformmy fmaiyl nd alsof orm B all unclena spirits eb removed and dmeonic oprsseion form fmaily. i have severe anxiety severe anxeity whenever i am near a relative lOr doyu know wha ti am mena pelas ehla me so id otn ahve ot liv eint hat severe anxiety and anxiety what anyon hiks of me. Lor dplease giv eme the lvoe an dmeotinal suppr ti need. pleas ebrign helaign to Bé his heart valve also need healing by you Lord Jesus Chirst and also V needshealign Lord by your hands Grea tPhycician. or dhel pem do diapers. giv em the motivaiotn to do diaper si want oeb better caregivier btu inee dhelp staying foccused. pelase work wihtme Lord. thanky ou for Bs itneraction yesterday. Lor dlet me knw if he really is my one flesh husband form the Lord. hel phim and his fmaiyl ina ll thigns and my fmaiyl too. pleas ekeep my dad warm safe healthy and happy. pelase clear are clogged arteries viens sessels in our fmaily hela us and brign us ot of the devils cotnriol. for B too. please watch ove rus and help em got he pharmacy ( nerovus abotut hat. please help em to take car eof my hygiene and no mro emiscommucnaition misudnerstnaidn gomr my mom. i feel lonely and so i aks oyu pelase help em not feel so lonely espcially aorudn peopelw ith asperger syndorm if eel so diconnected for them help us to commucniate help them no logner hav emidn blindness an heal what needs to be healed and dleiver them form what they need dleiverance form thanyjk Ou Lord. all prais ean honoru goes ot OYu . help me to udnerstadn giv eme insight to the truht . thnaky ou Lord int hename of the lord Jeus Christ . ipray htis for all epoel. le tno one be decived by the devil and may we be gudied by yor Holy spirit always. plase take away al fear and anxiety coronphbia and dirt germs .. etc phobia. take awa ynxietyplease. thanky u and heal all who ar ien peain and all who need healign ontihs site. dilvie rus alf orm flesh eaitgn demosn adn protec tlalmarirages you have ordianed. pelas ehal all teethBs teeth. dleiver B form smokign anxiety and alchahulsim rbign ehlaign to his whoel life and o the sme to allpeoel. in thenamof the Lord Jesus christ. ell ymhusbadn whoeve rHe is i lvoe him and thinkgin fo him. thanky ou Lord.